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The next thing I found out was that I had entered a whole new world, The Kingdom Of Fantasy.

When I arrived at the Kingdom of Fantasy, I was astonished and a little bit puzzled about the place I was in. The first thing I found there was a weird and odd looking creature.

I gulped in a horrified way. 

What If it loved eat tiny mice or what If it ate all my cheese cakes. By the way I loved cheese cakessss. Now where was I again............  Oh yes, I was about to take a closer look at the creature until it turned around.

                                                             RAT MUNCHING RASCALS

IT WAS AN OGRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I immediately turned around and ran for my life, I ran as quickly as my paws could take me. But the OGRE was still catching up to me. Thinking of a plan,  I immediately jumped into a nearby raging river, but I didn't know where I  will be going next. So I continued to let the river take me wherever it was going.

                                                                 BLOSSOM'S CASTLE

By the time I had reached shore it had already struck night time and I saw a sparkling castle in the distance. I decided that I would travel to the castle to see who lived there. When I had arrived at the castle, an odd creature who looked like a fairy came out between the crystal doors. She wore a beautiful dress that was the colour blue and her hair was turquoise that reflected in the sun light.

First I introduced myself to the woman and then she also introduced herself. The woman said that her name was Blossom, the queen of the fairies and flowers. Blossom also protected the Kingdom Of Fantasy from evil as well.

But as I was continuously talking, I realized that her face was wrinkling, her wings started to droop down and her turquoise hair was starting to turn white. Blossom also mentioned to me that If she perishes, the whole kingdom will die along with Blossom as well.       

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