╰ Introduction ╮

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Hey! My name is Maria and I'll be teaching you guys how to make your covers shine! Last time I published a book it was a big flop! Hopefully, this doesn't turn out to be like the last time! 

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Hey! My name is Maria and I'll be teaching you guys how to make your covers shine! Last time I published a book it was a big flop! Hopefully, this doesn't turn out to be like the last time! 

As the description says, I'll be posting textures, templates, fonts, tips, and tutorials. I use Photoshop CC 2017. 

If you are new to Graphic Designing, this part is for you!




Textures are used as backgrounds of covers, banners or picspams. Textures are everywhere — the concrete of a sidewalk, the fabric on your chair, even the glass (or plastic) surface of the screen you're staring at right now. It's natural that textures appeal to us because we see and feel them every day. And it's no surprise why textures have become such an important element in a design. What I usually do, I download a pack of textures and blend them together.



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A template is a picture that can help you when you're doing any 2,3,4,5,6...etc pictures edit. Templates are really easy to use! Just save the template. open it in photoshop. Then paste your pictures in the template.

 Then paste your pictures in the template

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A font is a complete set of characters—letters, numbers, and symbols—that share a common weight, width, and style.


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PSD, which stands for Photoshop Document, is the default format that Photoshop uses for saving data. PSD is a proprietary file that allows the user to work with the images' individual layers even after the file has been saved. People post colorings which are in the form of PSD's. So we can use it easily. I'll explain later in the book how to use colorings and also share some of my favs.


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The Brush tool allows you to paint on any layer, much like a real paintbrush. You'll also have different settings to choose from, which can help you customize it for different situations. Once you know how to use the Brush tool, you'll notice that many other tools, including the Eraser and the Spot Healing Brush, use a similar group of settings.

It's easy to use the Brush tool to paint in your document. Simply locate and select the Brush tool from the Tools panel, then click and drag in the document window to paint. You can also press the B key on your keyboard to select the Brush tool at any time.

I hope this chapter was helpful and please comment below if I forgot anything

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I hope this chapter was helpful and please comment below if I forgot anything. I got all the info from google. My school will start on 18th of September so I have a week or so. I'll only update on weekends or whenever I get time.

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