• Chapter Two •

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Mark walked through the doors and took his place at his station, hoping the manager wouldn't mind that he was a little late. He looked around for Jack but only managed to see Maria holding a coffee mug and fixing her skirt.

"Where's the new kid?" She asked, looking up. Mark shrugged and walked to the register, taking out some of the money that was left from yesterday.

About ten minutes had passed and Mark opened his mouth to say something. Before he could even make a sound, Jack burst through the doors panting slightly as he walked up to the counter and leaned over it.

"You're late bud." Mark said, walking around the counter and over to him. Jack's shirt was lifted slightly revealing a little bit of bruised skin.

"S-Sorry. I-I got a little caught up." Mark nodded and placed his hand on Jack's shoulder causing him to jump.

"That's fine. Just try to be here when the bell rings next time." Mark explained, pointing over to the door as customers started to come in. Jack nodded and walked over behind the counter, starting to take orders.

Mark watched him take the orders before Jack handed them over and gave a shy smile. He took a small breath and turned around, going back to the counter and taking more orders from the customers. Mark laughed and got to work, fixing up some of the drinks that the people wanted. He turned around and walked over to Jack, handing people their drinks and taking more of the orders from Jack. He looked at the smallers boy's shy and nervous look and rubbed his back a small bit before turning around and doing his job.

"Maria! Get over here and do your job."

"Anything for you Marky!"

He groaned and looked at one of the orders.

'Small mocha frappe with whipped cream on the top :)'

Mark smiled at the order and got the drink ready along with a few others as well. An hour went by and business had gone down a little bit. Jack took a step back from the register and took a deep breath, looking over at mark for the "okay" to take a break.

"Maria do you mind running the register for a little while. Jack, you can take a 30 minute break. Try not to come back late again." Jack looked down at the floor and shrugged, walking over to one of the tables and sitting down.

"I was actually wondering if I could stay here for my break." Mark smiled and put a up his thumb, signifying that Jack's idea was fine.

"You want anything to drink?"

"Just a regular coffee would be nice. I'm kind of feeling a little tired." Mark laughed and nodded, fixing up Jacks order and walking it over to him.

"Don't get too tired just yet. We aren't even half way through the day." Jack shakily took the drink from Mark's hand and smiled lightly.

"Yea I know..." He took a sip and starred out the window, licking his lips and setting it back down. Mark turned around to the sound of the door opening and saw another costumer walk in.



"Holy shit, it actually is you. How have you been man?" Mark walked over to Felix and gace him a small hug, laughing and shrugging.

"Not bad. Everything's been going good for the most part. How about you? Are you and Marzia still together?"

"Yup. I actually just took her out to dinner last night. She's with her family today otherwise I would've brought her with me. You still gay as usual?" Felix said with a wide grin on his face.

"Shut up dude. I'm not gay, I was drunk when I said that." Mark said laughing and walked over to the counter, motioning Felix to follow.

"You want anything."

"Surprise me bro. You also knew what I liked so let's see if you still do." Mark started working on a drink and told Felix to find a seat somewhere. Felix walked over by Jack and took a seat in front of him.

"Hi! I'm Felix. I don't think I've met you before and I've met basically all of Mark's friends."

"Oh uh... me and Mark just work together, we aren't really considering eachother friends I guess."

"Oh sure. Keep that in mind when you two are at his house, sitting on his be-"

"Felix! Knock it off you asshole!" Felix laughed and looked over at him, pointing at Jack.

"He's cute Mark, you can't deny it."

"Excuse me? I'm the only cute one here that Mark likes. So I suggest either ordering a drink or get the fuck out of here bitch." Maria blurted out. Mark and Felix both laughed, starring at each other and shaking their heads. Mark walked over and set the drink down, looking up and placing his hands on his hips, acting proud of himself.

"Caramel cocoa cluster frappuccino." Felix took a sip and looked up at Mark, obviously pleased.

"Damn you remembered." Mark nodded and looked over at Jack, pointing at his watch, then the counter. Jack just nodded and stood up, walking over to the register and giving a small smile to Maria. She just rolled her eyes and stepped to the side, letting Jack get to his spot.

"He's shy."

"Yes he's shy, that's why you don't just blurt out random shit like that at him dumbass." Mark whispered, punching Felix in the arm before turning around and following Jack to the counter.

"Thanks for taking over Maria. Why don't you go clean the tables or something."

"You're making me work too hard baby." She said smirking.

"Oh sorry, I forgot-" He handed her a mop, broom, and dust pan, pointing at the floor.

"You need to clean the whole shop as well. Just the orders I got from the manager. Sorry, 'baby'." He smirked and Felix burst out laughing, Maria looking over at him and giving a glare.

a/n: hey remember me? its been a long time ik. but im back at least lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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