Chapter 1

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Addie's POV:

Beep, Beep, Beep!

Groaning, Addie rolled over in her bed to turn off her alarm clock. After finding the button to silence the dreadful sound that awoke her from her peaceful sleep, she lays on her back just staring at the ceiling. She didn’t want to get up and get ready for the day. All she wanted to do was ay there and stay away from the world. She wanted to go back to sleep and stay in her dream world forever… but she could never do that. After taking several minutes to finally convince herself to get out of bed and go get ready for school, she throws off her duvet and begins to climb out of bed. Addie walked to the bathroom and peeled away her clothes from the night before. She walked over to the small shower and grabbed the knob, turning on the water and allowing it to warm up. While she was waiting for the water to heat up enough to where she liked it, she risks an unwanted glance in the mirror. Glancing at her body quickly, she turns away in disgust. 

She couldn’t stand to look at herself anymore. When she was little she used to love hearing her parents tell her that she was beautiful… but they don’t do that anymore. Hell, Addie would be lucky I they even remembered that they had a daughter living with them. As she grew older, she thought her beauty was growing with her, and for a while, others did too. But that quickly turned down a path that was so unexpected that Addie didn’t know how to react to it. Now all she sees when she looks at herself is not someone worthy of anything from anyone… not even herself.

She never use to have a problem with the way she looked in her own skin, not until she started her high school career, that is. Now, she can’t even go a single day without having someone comment on how she looks, and dresses, and acts at school. Suddenly, she having brains and knowing how to use them, unlike most of the student body, deemed her worthy of the title ‘nerd’. At least on a good day that’s what they called her. Lately, the names have turned into much more gruesome insulting names that nobody should ever have the nerve to call someone else… but everyone seemed fine with calling Addie whatever they felt like.

Up until high school, everyone had thought it was nice to be friends with the smart girl who was nice to everyone. She would always be there to help them with their homework if they needed it, or if they needed advice they could go to her, but one day they just stopped. Being smart went from an awesome trait to placing you below everyone else. That’s everyone realized it was better to be popular than to be smart.

So Addie's "friends," if one was even to call them that, dropped her for the popular group, leaving her by herself to endure the torturous journey of high school. And that’s something no one should ever have to do. High school is a cruel place where the pretty girls pick on the ones they don’t deem worthy of their time and the jocks pick on… well, everyone really. Nobody should ever have to go through that alone, but Addie was having to.

Not long after, everyone started to tease Addie for being smart and always being the one who turned her assignments in on time, which no one else seemed to think was “cool” to do. Eventually the innocent name calling and remarks that she used to be able to handle, turned into extremely hateful comments about Addie. She tried her best to ignore that everyone called her fat and useless, among other things. She didn’t want to give them the satisfaction that they were hurting her… but that was always easier said than done.

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