The confession

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Don't know why I drew that picture for the chapter just felt like itXD AND CAUSE SOCKS FACE IS KAWAII:3 So some of you guys commented and said you wanted the confession to be in this chapter!!! So here it is:p and you and socks POV will be in this chapter:3

I really hate seeing her this sad...Ever since her sister died she's been depressed, and crying a lot. I'm trying to make her feel better I'm not sure if it's working though. She keeps staring at knives and scissors, I know she wants to cut herself. She doesn't deserve it! She doesn't deserve any of this!! I don't understand why me and her could just live a normal happy life. Well maybe cause I'm not normal...And worst of all I can't stop thinking about her. I love her so much but I just don't have the courage to tell her.... I just hope she gets better....

      YOUR P.O.V
I hate my life. It's so fucking unfair. My sister is gone, I'm getting bullied by Brittany, and Jonathan causes problems left and right. Sock has been the only one to make it better. I can tell he's worried that I'm gonna cut again. I want to. I feel like it's the only way to deal with the pain, but I've resisted cause I know he'd go ballistic if I did. I just wish everything could be ok. Although sock has been helping me with most of my problems...theres one he can't fix And that problem is my feelings for him. Why do i have to crush on my best friend!!? Its so annoying! Cause i know he doesn't feel the same way....


You sat on the couch and stared out the window. Thunder boomed softly as the rain poured down hard. You thought of everything that had happened to you in the past few days. Then came the memories. The ones of you and your sister, a few with sock. Tears rushed to your eyes. You wanted to hold them in, you wanted to be strong...but you couldn't. You walked to your bedroom and sat on your bed crying your heart out. You saw the scissors in your bathroom. Trying to resist you let more tears fall. "I can't take the crying anymore!!" You thought grabbing the scissors and cutting again.

Sock all the while was sleeping (obviously). He slowly opened his eyes and yawned stretching his arms. He walked to the couch to check on you. He grew worried when you weren't there. He rushed to your bedroom only to see your blood covered arms, and tears streaming down your face. You looked up quickly hiding the scissors behind your back.

It didnt help however, sock knew what was going on. "Y/N!!?! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!??" Sock yelled. He floated towards you and began screaming at you. "THIS IS BAD Y/N!! I KNOW IM NOT THE BEST AT HELPING YOU BUT YOU CANT KEEP DOING THIS!!!" He shouted. You only looked down, your hair covering your eyes. "IF THE KEEPS UP I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU MIGHT DO!!! YOU COULD KILL YOURSELF Y/N!!! YOU DONT DESERVE TO DIE!!!!". You felt ashamed and continued looking down. "I HATE SEEING YOU IN PAIN Y/N IT HURTS ME TO SEE YOU DOING THIS!!! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU HURT YOURSELF FOR NO REASON!!? THIS IS CAUSING ME PAIN Y/N!!!!" Sock shouted. More tears came to your eyes. "W-why would I-it h-hurt you!" You said. Sock lost it after that. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GODDAMIT YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY I CARE ABOUT YOU SO MUCH! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT HURTS ME SEEING YOU HURTING LIKE THIS! YOU. DONT. DESERVE. IT!!!!" Sock screamed. You looked at
him with shock and disbelief. "Y-you w-what?!" You asked making sure you heard him right. "YOU HEARD ME I LOVE YOU IVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU EVER SINCE 4TH GRADE I HAD THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON YOU!!!!" Sock shouted again. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Sock loved you?! This entire time??!

"I-I" you said. "NO DONT SAY ANYTHING I KNOW YOU DONT LIKE ME THAT WAY ITS FINE!!!" Sock yelled. You still couldn't find the right words. "I know you'll never love me the way I love you....but please stop hurting yourself..." Sock said his hands on your shoulders. "Sock don't you see!!!?? I do love you!! More than anything!" You exclaimed. Sock looked at you with shock. "Y-you do?!" Sock asked. "Yes! Ive always liked you I was to scared to tell you!!!" You exclaimed. "This whole time?!" Sock asked. You nodded. "I'm sorry for not saying anything I just figured you didnt I mean look how miserable I am! I'm always a sad sack while you find the positive in everything...i wish I could be like that but I-" you were cut off by sock grabbing you and planting his lips on yours.

You gasped but then began to kiss back. Sock may have never kissed anyone in his life but he was sure good at it. It didnt get steamy but it was sweet an passionate. His lips tasted like cookies. Sock thought yours tasted like peppermint. The taste of his lips only made you crave them more. After a few more moments sock slowly pulled away leaving you breathless.
"Y/n your perfect, its ok to be sad your going though a hard time". Sock said. You nodded once more and sniffled. Sock wiped away your tears. "I know this is hard but please don't hurt yourself you don't deserve it, we can figure this out together" sock said. He hugged you and for the first time in weeks you felt truly happy. Because you knew that sock really loved you the same way you loved him.

*hands you a tissue* yes child many feels. Next chapter is gonna take the story farther!!! There won't be anymore dramatic crying and cutting in the next chapter theres gonna progress XD. IN THE NEXT CHAPTERS YOU AND SOCK ARE GONNA SOLVE A MYSTERYYYYY YAYYY XD and thank you guys for 58 stars!! LUV u guys:3

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