The Party

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So it is a few days later from the movies i would say about 3 days after.

So me and my friends heard about this party that was happening in this town about 2 hours away from where we lived. All i heard was it was a HUGE house and it had a tennis court and all that other type of crap. So my friends their names are Jaz (which is short for Jasmine). Jasmine can be really mean but be the nicest person in the world she protects her friends like to the fullest. Now my other friend her name is Alex she's REALLY MEAN AND ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!. Then we have Sasha she is main friend. So we are all going to this party together. I told my friends the address it is 1634 almane ave (not a real house). So we all heard that its going to be fucking amazing that there will be alcohol. Every high school student will go to a party if there is going to be alcohol and drugs. Im not really into doing all the drugs but i like to get wasted here and there. This was a fun party it wasn't like any of the party's i have ever been to . There was adults here and none of us were used to that but apparently he was there to provide the alcohol. He wasn't here to bust us.

20 minutes later

Everywhere I went all I saw was couple's making out or people doing drugs and getting wasted to the point where they can't even stand up. I am not one of these party people KIDDING i'm currently drunk sitting on a guys lap giving him a lap dance. This party is really fun i have always have gone to party's but never high school party's they were always college r they were boring old people or what you call a 9 year old birthday party which btw was unicorn and rainbow themed.i just had to point that out just so you guys could see how many party's i have been to. I always get invited but my parents either say no or they catch me sneaking out. Which sucks because then i get grounded and don't get to hang out with my friends. When i don't hang out with them they think i'm doing something behind there back. So yeah this is currently my life right now at 2:30 in the morning and I have to be at school by 7:30 so yeah. My boyfriend isn't even with me at this party he's off with other girls which got me mad so i'm hanging out with other guys.

1 hour 30 min later

By this time everyone had already left, passed out, gotten arrested, or all three. Then the rest of the people who weren't in those 3 categories were making out with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Thank god im finally home that party was amazing but it also wasn't that fun there we're fights there were just a whole bunch of things I didn't want to be around also btw my parents don't know that I went to this party so me being wasted coming home it wasn't smart of me to talk to my parents until the morning but my stupid ass decided to talk to them right when I got home like am I a stupid ass or am I a stupid ass lol.
Morning time
It was the morning I am having the worst hangover I have ever had and I have had a lot but this one was the worst. I was throwing up every .2 seconds and I just wanted to lay down all day but I knew my parents would suspect something because I'm never in my bed sleeping all day. So I had to get out of bed and act like nothing happened. Today was a Saturday so I didn't have to go to school so I decided to go to the mall with a couple of my friends
To be continued....

Thank you guys for being patient I have just been so busy with school and cheer but I promise I'm going to start updating so much more. I have just been having a writers block so just give me time and I'm going to make a awesome chapter.

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