the real coma

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Now that aph is in the hospital she is safe and sound  the doctors came in and said aph was in a coma COMA Aaron yelled he started to sob 😭 and said I love you aph be safe and aph smiled and grabbed Aaron's hand I love you to aph said before passing out again Aaron smiled at the thought😳 and Aaron stayed all night he left to get his (won't let me say it) and played safe and sound  Aph woke up and sang  (to lazy for lyrics 😎) Aaron was shocked at how nice her voice was and he kissed her and she kissed back although we just me I think i love you aph said to Aaron before Aaron could say anything aph kissed him again and then her dad walked in the room aph started to get scared but Aaron noticed it and held aphmau hand aphs dad told Aaron to leave Arron said no and aphs dad hit aph hard in the head agenced the hospital bed aph screamed Arron called for the nurse she came in and saw aph bleeding heavy and passed out with Arron s hand covering the wound 😃😃😃😃😃😃 #cliffhanger did she die who knows ? 😋😘😘 Love you

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