bad day baby louis

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Louis 2 Liam 5 zayn 4 niall papa harry daddy

Louis woke up by himself this morning and waited for his papa. "papa!!" he shouted just then niall came running into the room."morning love" morning  papa " he said reaching his arms out for niall. niall lifted him up and change him. "let's go have breakfast boo " niall said as he walked downstairs carrying Louis and put in his high chair. "papa can we have eggs for breakfast " Louis asked " babe me and harry got phone interviews soon." "but papa  " Louis cried " no but Lou " as he give him some cereal  and harry come down the stairs with zayn and Liam.

"morning babe " harry said as he kiss niall " ew "said Louis zayn and Liam harry chuckle " daddy can I play " Louis ask as he finished as breakfast "ok  Lou" said harry as ran to play with his brothers. he saw zayn playing with  his bear "zayn give me back my bear !" "no!"   "daddy!!! zayn won't give me back my bear " Louis scream " Louis you need to learn how to share" said harry " but daddy it's mine bear " Louis scream "do I need to put you in time out "niall asked "no daddy "I think you do lets go " no daddy no " Louis scream madly as niall put him in the corner

"not fair" Louis whisper as he cross his arms

10 minutes later

"Louis what is wrong with you today " "im sad papa " said Louis  "why Lou "said niall " I'm lonely aw boo niall said "how about you pick the movie tonight" niall said hugging him "thanks papa " Louis said as they went to watch the movie with the rest of the family.

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