Written by Arcticunoraven04 who, at the time, lacked an account.
This is the story of my OTP, a stop sign and a blade of grass. This is a love story that could even the coldest of hearts. It is worth the couple of clicks or taps that it took you to get to it. This is the ship of stopgrass.
Stopgrass started of like any normal ship. Little did I know that this ship would turn into my OTP. First I saw a little blade of grass, and thought, "this will amount to nothing". Then I saw a stop sign and thought, "maybe this could be something, but probably not". The next day, I started thinking that maybe it could actually be something. That very day, I went over to the blade of grass and the stop sign and told them, "I believe in you. You two will be together forever, no matter what." Then I tied a string between them, symbolising that they would be together forever. I think that is the reason why my OTP became real. The little blade of grass, named Robbie, must have heard me, because the next day, he had grown an inch. Little did I know, the blade of grass had taken the matter to heart. Secretly, he had always had a crush on the stop sign, Gracie. When I came along and told them both about it, it gave him new hope.
The next day was rather unusual. The Sun was a big shipper of stopgrass, and she positioned herself in such a way that the pole of the stop sign was reflecting her light on to the blade of grass. Before he knew it, the grass blade was a foot taller. Robbie was so happy, he grew another inch! Gracie was happy too. Before then, she hadn't really noticed Robbie, but now that he had grown enough that they could talk, she realised that she liked Robbie as much as he liked her!
Before I knew it, love was blossoming between the two of them, and Robbie was halfway up the side of Gracie. Robbie had been making tremendous progress the last couple of weeks. Finally, it happened. Robbie told Gracie he loved her, and always had. He told her that, when times got and he wanted to shrink, he thought of her and kept on growing. Gracie told Robbie that she loved him too, and at that, he grew as tall as her. Through love and determination, Robbie had reached Gracie's height.
It was then that Robbie proposed to Gracie. She accepted. The ceremony was beautiful. Gracie and Robbie were dressed in the whitest of whites. As the ceremony was closing, Robbie and Gracie threw paint all over the crowd, including the sun, which could never miss the spectacular ceremony that symbolised that its ship had finally sailed. Paint got everywhere, and everyone was soaked.
Nine months later, Gracie gave birth to a set of triplets. They were tall, red blades of grass. They named the two boys Ralph and Diego, and named the girl Regina. They lived a long, happy life together. Regina got into Harvard, and her brothers got into Yale. They got degrees in botany. They saved many plants using their newfound skills. Regina found a a nice house husband, Ralph married a wood block girl, and Diego married a chair man.
They soon had children of their own and lived a happy and environmentally safe life.
Short StoryThe story of the love between a stop sign and a blade of grass.