Chapter 8.

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-Olivia's POV-

"Olivia," I heard say to me. I wasn't quite making out who it was though. "It's time to get up, we gotta head to the airport in fifteen minutes."

I opened my eyes, to see Jaden looking at me with his brown, chocolate eyes. I sighed, finally sitting up in my bed as Jaden walked out. The best thing for me right now, is to be alone.

Slipping on my Uggs, I shuffled out to the living room to show everyone that I've finally came to show myself. "Morning." I whispered to make myself seem a little be livelier. 

Everyone chirped in. "Morning Olivia. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I guess. Definitely could be better."

Crashing onto the recliner next to Kayla and Justin, Justin gave my shoes a glare. I rolled my eyes, flipping him the finger.

"Wow, I didn't even say anything. But you know how I feel about Uggs."

"Whatever." I scowled. "I don't need your opinion about my shoes. I surely wasn't born to please you."

Justin began to say something, but Kayla stopped him. Probably the best thing to do. I am definitely not in the mood to even talk.

"Well, Olivia and I have to head to the airport. Our flight leaves in a half hour." Jaden said, grabbing all of out bags.

"See ya man."

"Bye Jaden. Bye Olivia. We'll see you guys back in Los Angeles." Kayla gave us a three finger wave, continuing to stay in her same position. Resting her head on Justin's lap as her eyes layed half closed.

We walked out the door, walking down to the lobby. I dreaded going to this funeral. In fact, I'm having second thoughts about going.

* * *

"Olivia." My mother gasped. I ran into her arms. She held me tight. It's only been three days, and it feels like it's been forever.

"Mom." I cried into her white over jacket. She wasn't the same. Her eyes weren't the piercing green they used to be. Just plan old green.

"Where's Kayla?" My mom asked. I could tell she was trying to keep a conversation going. She didn't wanna bring up any of this.

"She's uh, in Paris still. With Justin."

"What? Why isn't she here?"

"I didn't want her to come. We just got into a huge fight and -" I stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Can we please not talk about this right now?"

"Of course. Great to see you Jaden. Haven't seen you in forever."

"Great to see you too. Do you mind if I bring Mine and Olivia's stuff upstairs? I'll just take the guest room." Jaden said, he knew my mother wouldn't want us in the same bed together. But she doesn't know that lately, that our relationship hasn't been the same lately.

"Ahh, you know me to well." My mom chuckled. "Feel free to take either guestroom. Both of them are free. We all should be heading inside anyway."

I nodded, hugging onto my mother's waist as we headed inside. I've missed her so much and it kills me I have to come back for a funeral of my father and brother.

* * *

"Time for dinner." My mother called, Jaden ran from his room and began to take a seat at the table, but I stopped him before he got the chance to.

"No, no no!" I yelled. No, there's no way he's gonna be sitting there.

"Woah, what is it?" He asked, concern. Coming over to me to grab my waist. I pulled away.

"I don't want you sitting in that chair! Or that chair!" I hissed. I couldn't take it anymore, running up to my room. I threw myself onto my bed.

Things just aren't the same anymore. No dad, no brother. I miss coming home to their open arms for me to run into. Actually, things will never, ever be the same in this house.

And things between Jaden and I? Just aren't the same anymore either. I just don't see him the way I saw him before. There's something about him I can't quite get my eye on.  .

"Olivia?" I heard someone say behind the door, it was my mother. "Can I come in? I wanna talk to you."

I whipped my eyes, opening to door to my mom with a plate of food for me. "Figured you'd wanna eat in here, that is if you wanna eat."

"No, I'm okay. I'll eat something. Gotta eat at some point."

"Yeah, so listen. I've been meaning to talk to you about a few things. Like tomorrow for example. ."

I gave her a careful look as I grabbed my plate to pick at my food. ". . What about tomorrow. .?"

"I haven't been sure if you'd like to do this, but I'd like you to say a few words about your brother and father at the funeral tomorrow. Of course if you don't have to, but I'd sure like you to."

I sighed, but then giving out a smile about how my mom began to ramble on. "Yes mom. I'll do a speech."

"Oh thank you. You don't even have to write anything. You can just say it all from your heart." She gave me a tight hug with a kiss on the top of my head.

"Just leave your food on your desk when you're done, I'll pick it up later. Have a good night hun."

I nodded, finishing off my food. Really, I wasn't that hungry. I haven't eaten in the past few days. 

But now, tomorrow is the day. The day I must say my final, and last good-byes.

* * *

Really sorry I had to cut this short. I have to go to bed, since it's a school night. So yeah, my chapter is nexttt. [Kayla & Justin's POV]. This chapter really stinks, haha, sorry! xoxo - Melissa.

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