Possessive (Sequel to A World Behind Walls)

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Chapter 1

    As I walked away from them I could hear Victor yelling at me to stop moving immediately. And I did. I had to.

    “Why are you doing this?” he asked. “You both just got married yesterday.”

    “I-I-I can’t handle it right no, everything that has been going on tonight I just can’t handle it.” Before I knew it I was crying.

    “Come here.” Victor held me as Thomas looked up at me with worry in his eyes. He lifted his hand and wiped the tears that were running down my face away.

    “Mommy don’t cry, what are you crying?” he asked.

    “Don’t worry, mommy’s just mad at daddy okay? We’re going to stay someplace else all right just until I can figure things out.”

    “Do you want a divorce?” asked Victor.

    “No, I mean I have already been divorced once now, and I plan not to make it twice.” I paused, “Why does all the bad stuff have to happen to me?” I started crying again.

    “I guess I better go now.” I once again ran away until I was far enough to get a ride from one of our vampire taxies.

    As I walked up the steps to the abandoned East side castle. I got the feeling like someone was inside my head, but I shook my head and kept going up the steps. Thomas was asleep in my arms and was curled against me.

    The East Side Castle had to be the biggest that there is for the sub rulers. Way back, about 510 years ago the East side belonged to the best of the sub rulers. It was the most powerful, had control over trade that went on in the vampire worlds.

    But Don the king of the North got jealous of how powerful the East was. So he decides to kill him, his own brother. Don was hunted after that and was put to treason. But when it was time for Don to be burned alive by the sun, Daniel Dibaberac, one of our counsel members stopped them from doing it.

    She said that if Don was to die for killing her mate then the only person to do it was her. But she never did. And to this day she thinks of ways to kill him.

    By the time I got to the top of the stairs, I was tired. And I knew that no one was going to find me. Well only my twin would know now. With us being bonded now, that meant that we could feel each other. Go in the other’s mined. Find each other, track them. And if we were physically hurt the other would feel it.

    Inside of the castle looked just like the books showed. Big and old. But everything wasn’t dusty, that is just the thing about castles they can’t get dusty, ever. Just another reason why we only have savants as blood donors. Every castle that belong to a sub king was the same. Made the same way, so everything was identical. I walked up the winding staircase and down the hall. It was still lit with fire torches. And it was lined with portraits, and knights. At the very end of the hallways was a door a very big door. It was were the king would sleep if there was a king for this castle.

    There was a huge bed, and I put Thomas in the middle not wanting him to role over and fall off. He mumbled in his sleep and turned over. I couldn’t sleep and decided to go to the window. But to this day wish that I hadn’t. When Gregory’s convertible came around the bend, a whole new fear set in. I ran out of the room and down the staircase and opened the door. It was poring outside and I was soaked by the time I ran down the stairs.

    His top was down and he was soaking wet. “Lorelei!” he called, springing out of the seat almost before his car stopped.

    “No!” I yelled over the rain, which beat down on the pavement loud. I pressed my back against the door, and grabbed the doorknob. “I came here to get away from you!”

    Gregory paused at the last step. Then he strode over to me. His eyes filled with purpose.

    “I don’t want you here.” I said to him, as he came closer.

    “I already am here.” he said. He was inches away from me, just close enough to touch. But he didn’t even try to.

    “The question now is, do you want me to leave?” he asked.

    “I do want you to leave.”

    “Why” he asked.

    “You make everything confusing to me when your around.” the emotions that have been bubbling up inside of me all night have reached the surface again. And I wiped at the tears angrily.

    “I could say the same about you.” he said to me.

    “So then why are you here?’ I asked once more.

    “Because I love you.”

    “You have a funny way of showing it.”

    Gregory sighed, “Look not my finest moment. I was mad. I’m sorry.”

    “What about your engagement to that girl back in France?” I asked him.

    “Chelsea? I-” He frowned. Then his eyes widened. “Oh, Lorelei, you don’t think-”

    “She must really like you.”

    “And I would trade any day, anyone, anything, for you. Everything with her is a game.”

    “Would it hurt you more if I told you that I am married to Tom because I love him or to make you jealous?” I asked.

    “Hurt-?” Gregory started his sentence and then cut off. He looked at me with such intensity.  “I would never do anything to hurt you.”

    “No?’ I asked. “What did you do tonight?”

    He looked like he had been slapped in the face. He didn’t look guilt, he looked pained.

    “What?” I asked not understanding the look on his face.

    “I would close my eyes.” he said. “I would close my eyes, because I would imagine that she was you.” he said.

    Without thinking I pulled him to me, and my mouth met his in a fit of passion, hunger, I felt powerful and I wanted to keep this feeling. Gregory braced himself on the door frame with both hands. I could taste the sweetness on his breath, and the strength of his body. I still had one hand on the doorknob and I turned it. Our combined weight sent the door flying open. We both stumbled in backwards. My hand still tangled in his hair, pulling him in after me.      

Possessive (Sequel to A World Behind Walls)Where stories live. Discover now