Epilougue 17 Years Later

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Epilogue ~ 2028

17 years later.

    I was walking down the halls dragging my hand on the wall behind me. It was a slow day, nothing was happening. As I turned the corner I noticed something that I have never noticed before, part of the wall was gone from behind a floor to ceiling painting. Silently I moved it, and from behind there was a hallway. Lit by nothing but torches on the walls.

    The hallway was long and took me a while to reach the end. But there was a door, made of solid wood and from the other side I could hear more flames. The door didn’t open when I first tried it, and it took me a minute to actually get it. 

    The door opened with a loud squeaking noise and I stopped cold hopping that no one had heard it. Being frozen at the age of 17 was hard, no one took you seriously, only because you resembled the looks of a child.

    I moved my dreadlocks away from my face as I walked through the threshold. The room smelled musty, like a basement. And the lights were powered by constant gas, like an eternal flame. Over a blazing fire place was a portrait.

    Three people were in it. One was a woman, she had to be my age, and she had white hair, the ends were died a light blue color. The name Lori came to my mind. She was holding a baby in her arms, he looked not even a week old. And the man next to her, it was me, or at least it looked like me. ‘Tom’ said a voice in my head.

    I turned away from the picture and looked around. There was a bed that had a slight skin of dust over it, and next to the bed was a desk, on top of that desk was a notebook. I walked over and gently opened the notebook. It was fragile.

    Gently I tuned the cover and the first page, that once was a white page was now a brownish yellow color. The letters were smudged in some places but I started to read. There was a quote from our once King Victor.

    “I did not expect anything to change then, Queen Lori was what I have always wanted her to become. But I do not think that she ever became the warrior that was in the prophesy made two years ago. But of her son, Thomas Trumper Kaulitz. He is the powerful warrior of our new world. And in him, he will keep our world safe. With the powers of Fire, Spirit and Life. He can take life away and give it back. He can set the world literally on fire. He is the powerful one.” That was the end of the quote.

    Lori and Tom Kaulitz, died 20 years after I was born. And by god did I miss then so much, they were my world. The story goes that a rebellion of America’s came back after the Vampire Revolution in 2010, they took there revenge on them because they were the crowned King and Queen of all Vampires. I was crowned King when I turned 16, Candy and Bill raised me after they died. I looked down at the page and kept reading.

The year began at 2009, 17 years ago.

    “Everything started two years ago. It was a cold night, it had been snowing, about close to Christmas time. A family of 5 could be heard laughing from inside their house, playing Christmas piano songs, having no idea that there was a hungry predator outside there very door….”

    When I finished I was amazed. I put the notebook back in it’s place and walked back to the door. This was their room. Lori and Tom’s. My parents. And me, I was King Of All Vampires Thomas Trumper Kaulitz.

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