I've only been in school for 3 or so weeks and it's already been crazy
I normally like school because I like having a schedule and a routine everyday, I love being organized, also it gets more manageable the longer I'm in it🌼🌹🌷
Also there is nothing more rewarding then when I do well in a class💚💙💛💜💖
I don't mind classes too much except for a few rude and awful teachers that I have had in the past and classmate who annoy the hell out of me...This year isn't that bad but I have a SUPER clingy teacher who seriously has space issues and won't leave me alone, it makes me extremely uncomfortable
Secondly, I kid you not EVERYONE smokes weed and it pisses me off, the teachers, the students and all of the staff smoke it so the entire building smells like it and I HATE IT sooo much
I don't care of you smoke it or whatever but I don't want to have to smell it ever single day it's sickening to me 🌿🚬😷
Then there is my Economics class, I love history and I look forward to doing Government after this class but this subject is seriously kicking my butt right now😮🔫
I thought I would be good at it because it's money and you know...I love money💵💴💶
However it's very complicated, also its an online class so I'm practically teaching my self📚📏✏Hopefully I will get the hang of it the more I learn
I hate to sounds like the whiny Special snowflake who is like "I HATE SCHOOL I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING MY LIFE SUCKS NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME WAHHH"😣😣😣
I hope that this year goes a little more smoothly, that's all I ask, I want my senior year to be peaceful and end in a nice way✌