Chapter 1 ~The Beginning~

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~April 19, 3017~

In the year 3017, humans have gone beyond anyone dreamt about in the 2000s. But even though humans could live on other planets, some still stayed on Earth. And one of them was Becca Chanson.

A 20 year old girl stood in the warehouse. The warehouse was rusty and old as though one feather could make it collapse. But the girl still stood there as she bend over a pile of scraps of metal and tools. She was focused as though if the world was ending she wouldn't hear it. That is till a voice brought the girl out of her trance of concentration.

"Becca." The girl got up from the sound of her name and turned around. A man in his late 30s stood there. He wore a black shirt with jeans and wore a jacket that looked like it was 20 years old. "I'm Joseph, I work for Weyland Corp." "What do you want?" Becca asked as she picked up a piece of metal but threw it back to the pile. "We believe we found a planet that has been abandoned for years." "What does that have to do with me?" Joseph took a step closer and said, "I know that you have the skills and experience. We want you to come along with us."

"Us?" "You, me, and ten soldiers including a Android." Becca sighed and asked, "What's in it for me?" Joseph walked around a bit till he stopped and said, "If you do a good job with the expedition, then you will become part of the team. And if you don't, you go back to scraping up metals and tools." She sighed debating the choices. After making up her mind she sighed and answered, "Fine, I'll come."

~2 Days Later~

"Alright! Settle down!" It's been two days since Becca agreed to join the expedition. There were twelve people in the group including her and Joseph. Though the only girls were her and another girl who looks like she can kill you with only one hand. The rest were Joseph and soldiers who either want to kill you or flirt.

"I said listen up!" Joseph's voice echoed through the room silencing everyone in the room. "As you already know, we will be exploring an abandoned planet known as LV-426." "But why do we have to go there?" A male voice asked in the crowd and Joseph answered, "We believe we found a signal there." "A signal from what?" Another voice asked. Joseph took a step closer to the man you asked. "That's what we need to know."

"We will leave in an hour, so get your asses suited up!" We all rushed off toward our quarters. Becca quickly dressed into a tink top with a bullet proof vest over it including a jacket to cover it. She slipped on black jeans and a pair of boots. She grabbed a revolver from her desk and put it in her pants including slinging a rifle over her shoulder securing it on her back.

In an hour, everyone was in the room each person dressed and armed with rifles, flamethrowers, flashlights, and other weapons just in case something went wrong. Joseph stood in front of everyone wearing a camo shirt and vest with jeans and a flamethrower over his back. "We will take ship 35-126 to LV-426. Anybody that doesn't want to go, this is your last chance." No one answered and he nodded in approval and he hit a button letting off flashes of yellow and the sound of a door opening.

"Move move!" We ran to the ship each one of us getting on. We sat down in the seats surrounding an pole and strapped in. Joseph stood in the middle holding the pole as the last person got in and sat down. "All good!" He yelled to the two pilots at the head of the ship.

The door closed surrounding us in darkness till lights flashed on. The ship started to shake and vibrate as it lifted off the ground. We held on to the straps that held us down except for the few daredevils who yelled in pleasure and laughed. The ship was off the ground as the exit into space was open. It shot off into the darkness of space. This was the beginning of what started a war.

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