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When I woke up, my body was clung to Jide once again, his soft snores the only sound in the dim room.

I smiled to myself, pulling him closer if that was possible.

He grunted, his arms tightening. I closed my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep. I was beyond tired, still, from making videos.

He grumbled once more his eyes opening, and I could feel his stare on me.

My eyes opened once more, meeting his and he grinned.
"Sleep well?" JJ asked, sitting up slightly, arms still around eachother.

I nodded lazily, still not fully awake.

"Sorry for getting mad," I whispered my eyes watching my monitor from across the room.

"I'm sorry too. But it's fine now. Cuz tomorrow we're going to LA!" Jide exclaimed, well, as well as he could considering his voice was still raspy from just waking.

I smiled, nodded, laying my head back on to JJ's chest.

"Do you want to get up?" He asked glancing down at me.
I shook my head in response. He chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "Okay. How long?"

I simply shrugged, closing my eyes once more and going back to bed.

Jide fell asleep too.


"Wake up boyfriends! It's another day!" Simon voice exclaimed and the door swung open. I slowly opened my eyes as Simon swung the curtains to the side, the sun shinig directly into the room.

I groaned in annoyance, hiding from the light to JJ's chest.

"Fuck off Si," JJ mosned, flipping him off.

"How was the sex last night?" Simon joked, with a cheeky smile on his face. Before I could say something in response Simon was hit in the face with a pillow.

"Owwww," Simon frowned sadly to Jide, who sat smug.
"Get out," I said finally, shaking my head at Simon.
"Ok! Byeeeee!" Simon left the room, closing the door behind him but the light still glared into the room.

Jide slid out of the bed, making me a little sad, (and cold).

"Cuddling with you makes me sweaty, you cling on to my side and never let go," JJ teased me, taking off his shirt, and gripped it in his hand.

I tried not to stare but jeeze, he had a good body.

No, Vik, you're not gay. No. No. Stop.

I blinked rapidly, shaking the thoughts of shirtless JJ from my head and looked back up to him.

"I'm gonna go shower. Start getting up and maybe packing."

I nodded. "Okay." I said simply.

"Love you," He said, as he left the room, leaving me alone to be in my thoughts.

"Love you more," I said back, but he couldn't hear me.

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