Chapter 8 - 3rd Person

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A/N ~ Hey guys! I saw lots of people were voting, and commentig on this story, so I decided to update c: I glad you guys like this book, I'll try to update I more frequently now C: I love all you guys comments btw, thats pretty much what inspired me to update. Thanks! <3

(3rd Person POV)

The feeling of the bed shaking and the sounds of light sobs awoke Xavier, and he quickly sat up when he noticed the sobs were coming from his best friend.

"Sky?! Are you okay? Is something wrong?" X quickly asked, looking into the crying boys eyes.

Skyler just looked into the man's eyes and wrapped his arms around him, sobbing silently into his shoulder.

"...I'm scared." Skyer finally whispered after a few minutes, not loosening his grip on X's shoulder.

X pressed a firm kiss to the top of the crying boy's head as his hand rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Talk to me sweetheart, tell me what's scaring you baby." X cooed.

Sky slowly let go, wiping at his eyes. The yoynger bit his lip, recollecting himself before speaking

"I'm scared. I'm scared that something will go wrong, I-I'm scared something bad will happen,  Im scared that you'll leave me, I'm s-scared that something will happen to the baby, that ill hurt it somehow." Skyler spoke softly, choking on tears.

X just wrapped his arms around the scared boy, something he knew for a fact would calm him down.

"Baby," X said. "it's all going to be alright, I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen. You know why? Because I wont let it. I love you will all my heart and I will protect you with my life, just as always. And are you kidding me? You don't really think that aftr everything we've been through together that I'd leave you, right? I would never. No matter what. And baby, every new parent h as that fear, okay? It's completely normal. But I know how careful you are, you won't hurt him or her, okay baby."

By the time X was done speaking, Skyler's tears had dried, and a small smile tugged at his lips. The younger boy leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"I love you so much Xaiver. I-I really needed that." Sky whimpered, nuzzling into X's chest.

"I love you too baby." X stated, wrapping his arms around the distraught boy.

"X?" Sky asked.

"Yes, baby?" X gently ran his fingers through the boy's hair.

"Are you still gonna like me when I get fat?" Sky asked.

"Of course I will, babyboy. I will always love you with all my heart. I'm actually looking forward to it, I think you'll look adorable." X stated, pecking a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead.

"Really?" The younger boy asked. "Yes baby." X stated.

"Why don't I run a bath for you, then we can lie down, and research male pregnancy on my laptop?" Xavier suggested.

Sky nodded. "That sounds great. Thank you so much."

"Always baby boy."

A/N I just realized this chapter sucks lol im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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