Of Meetings And Prophecies

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!!

Author's Note: As usual this chapter might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block. Dimentio has captured Princess Peach and The Reader, Mr.L/Luigi angry and upset that their old enemy returned, but the question on everyone's mind is why is The Reader the 'Key' to the prophecy? We'll find out in this chapter!! Italics: Thoughts, Bold: Mr.L speaking, Italics Bold: Mr.L speaking in their mind, Italics Underline: Luigi speaking in their mind, Bold Underline: Dimentio speaking.

~Third Person Point of View~

In Toad Town the many civilians started to panic and worry for their princesses safety. But inside the Meeting Room of Peach's Castle we find many people thinking and planning on how to defeat Dimentio for good and rescuing the girls. The Meeting participants are as followed Mario, Luigi/Mr.L, Daisy, Rosalina, Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette, Yoshi, and (Your Name)'s Parents/Guardians. Luigi took over their body once Mr.L calmed down and apologized repeatedly to (Your Name)'s Parents/Guardians [I don't know if the reader's have parents so I did this instead]. They told Luigi that it's not his fault and hoped that Luigi can save their daughter to which Luigi cheered up a bit. But before Toadsworth can start the meeting the doors slammed open as everyone got in a fighting stance or hid under the tables. As the dust clears we see a small group of people enter. 

~Mario's Point of View~

I was surprised to see Bowser, Bowser Jr., Kamek, Kammy, and Wario arrive but they're all covered in burns, bruises, and scratches. As I looked behind them I see Merlon with a upset look and sorrowful  expression [Paper Mario Series]. "Toad Toadettte get Doctor Toadly and anyone else we have five people who need medical attention!!" I exclaimed as the two quickly left. I carefully went to Bowser "What happened?" I questioned. "Well Mario as we went back to the castle we found out that  Dimentio brainwashed the rest of the children and teleported the castle away." Kammy said. "He then fought us with his magic and clones while trapping his scariness in one of his exploding boxes." Added Kamek. Bowser then destroyed a table and smashed it into pieces. "First he ruined my plans, Captured Peach and (Your Name), then brainwashed my children, and took my castle with my minions!!! DIMENTIO YOU'RE SO DEAD!!!!" Bowser Roared.

~Luigi's Point of View~

"Wait what plans Bowser and how do you know (Your Name)?" I asked surprised to see him flinch in response. "It's because of me Green Bean..." A very familiar voice responded to my question. I looked around and so did the others "Waluigi?" I spoke as Wario took out a mirror which has Waluigi in it!! This has Dimentio all over it Junior Mr.L said. "It's all my fault Green bean I wanted (Your Name) to fall in love with me and my jealousy over you helped Dimentio get stronger." Waluigi said with remorse. "Wait how did Dimentio return? Wasn't he killed when we defeated the Super Dimentio? [Super Paper Mario Final Boss]." Mario asked. "It turns out Dimentio placed his soul in a Blue Gem which was part of the Dark Prognosticus, Peach found it but placed it in her treasury." Merlon stated. 

~Third Person Point of View~

"The Dark Prognosticus!!!" Mario, Luigi and Bowser spoke in shock. Merlon nodded "Yes but Peach was unaffected by Dimentio's influence due to her pure heart." After Merlon's explanation Wario told his part about the gem, then Waluigi told what happened when he acquired it [Read the previous chapters before the last chapter]. After hearing the whole explanation Mr.L took over and tackled Bowser to the floor "YOU WANTED TO BRAINWASH (YOUR NAME)!!!!" MR.L growled in anger. But before Mr.L could hurt Bowser with his Thunderhand Rosalina used her magic knocking out Mr.L and making him fall asleep. Bowser placed Mr.L on the couch and was about to thank the Cosmic Queen "You better apologize Bowser because I won't protect you from Mr.L's fury next time." Rosalina said with a glare. 

~Daisy's Point of View~

"Is there anything else you want to tell us Merlon?" I asked while Doctor Mario, Doctor Luigi and Doctor Toadley started to heal the villains [Doctor Mario and Luigi are the Mario Bros. Cousins in my stories]. "Yes my dear princess for I found out why Dimentio has captured (Your Name)." Merlon spoke. "You see after the Chaos Heart incident I found a new entry in the Light Prognosticus." He spoke before he continued. "Separated from each other, Two will become one, For they must work in unison, To save all dimensions from becoming undone, For if they can't save the key, They will forever lose their beloved one." Merlon quoted. "Okay we know that (Your Name) is the key but what does it have to do with the Prophecy?" Mario asked. Merlon answered "You see after Blumiere and Timpani banished the Chaos Heart with the eight Pure Hearts the ancient artifacts found a new host that's worthy of containing them." 

~Mario's Point of View~

"Wait you mean that (Your Name) is the container of the Pure Hearts and THE CHAOS HEART?!?" I shouted in surprise. Merlon nodded "Yes and Dimentio is planning to extract the Pure Hearts, control (Your Name) with the Chaos Heart for she's the vessel, and create the void to destroy all worlds to make new ones." Merlon finished. But before I could say anything I was interrupted by my 'Bro' "What are we waiting for we have to find Dimentio A.S.A.P!!" Mr.L exclaimed as he got off the couch. "But Mr.L we don't know where Dimentio is located and we're outnumbered and unprepared!!" I retorted. "Darn you're right Jumps-A-Lot if only I have Brobot...." Mr.L spoke crossed his arms and sat down on the couch. 

~Mr.L's Point of View~

Actually Mr.L you can make a new Brobot you can ask Professor E Gadd and Mr. (Last Name) to help out Junior suggested making my eyes wide. You're a genius Junior!! I exclaimed my response before I relay Junior's idea to everyone. Mr. (Last name) agreed and started to call his employees to gather as many tools and materials as possible while Jumps-A-Lot went to call E Gadd. Koopa-With-A-Weight-Problem and his minions started to plan and train while Motherly-Ruler-Of-Star-Creatures started to use her magic to track Dimentio. But before I left the room I was stopped by Wizard-With-A-Huge-Mustache "Don't worry Mr.L (Your Name) has a strong willpower so she won't be hypnotized very easily, we have time to save her." I nodded and I hear Junior agree in my head. 

Author's Note: DONE!!! Took me almost five hours to make this chapter!! Can you figure out the meaning of the quote? Will Dimentio fulfill the prophecy? Where is Dimentio? What are the heroes planning? Find out by reading the Story!!! Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!!!

My Complicated Friend A Luigi/Mr.L X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now