Chapter 15

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I woke up in Mark's bed...without Mark? I looked to my side to see that he was gone. I slightly stared to panic, thinking that I kicked him out of his bed. I got up from where I was and looked around the room. I was his recording thing, but his wasn't in his chair. I looked to his dresser, but he wasn't there looking for clothes. I then looked to the door. It was opened a little, so the curious side of me went to the door. I opened it and I was met by a big figure. It honestly scared me.

"H-hey Mark." I said. I looked up to his face to see he was smiling and his blue floof was a mess.

"Sup (Y/N)?" He asked. I then sawbhe had two cup in his hands....And he was shirtless. I stared to blush.

"Nothing much. What's in the cups?" I asked and tried to peek into the cups. Mark handed me the one in his right hand. I looked inside to see that he made coffee.

"Well thank you, kind sir." I said before taking a sip of the coffee. It was perfect. Right amount of sugar, milk, everything was perfect...expect one thing. I stared to chock on my coffee.

"(Y/N)? You Ok?" Mark asked me. 'Sometime Mark can be a real idiot...'

"You Ok, (Y/N)?" He asked again. He came behind me and stared to hit my back. My couching then died down after a few hits on my back. I then turned around to face Mark and had a stern face.

"Yes Mark. Apparently me coughing like there's no tomorrow means I'm better than ever." I said.

"Oh. That's good to know." He said. I rolled my eyes and put down my coffee.

"So. Why were you dying?" He asked.

"I just remembered something."

"Which is?"

"I don't have a job."

"So..." Mark looked dumbfounded. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Mark, you can't just bring some lonely girl with no life into your house and not let them pay you. Or even pay for rent and food." I repiled.

"Yes I can. And I already did." He said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Mark, please. I need to repay you somehow."

"You already have." I looked at him, confused.

"Come again?"

"You have."


"You've made me happy."

"I've made you a mess. I know you haven't been kepping up with your uploade schedule, so once I get money, I'll repay you and get out of here. You won't see me again." I said before walking to Mark's computer.

"Password?" I asked.

"Cheese." He smirked.

"I'm not making that joke." I giggled. I typed in the password and went on Google.

"Come on." He wined.


"Please, for me?" I sighed in defeat.

"Your password is so cheesy." I said sarcastically. He laughed. And I rolled my eyes. "I only did it to shut you up." I added.

"Whatever. I know you liked it." He said.

"I hated it." I turned my back to him and went back to Google. I looked up nearby café' s and the first one that piped up was Starbucks. 'Cliché enough?'

"Guess you're working at Starbucks?" Mark asked.

"Guess I am." I repiled. I truned off the computer and went to the door.

 You Break Me (Markiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now