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Summary: Jade finds her wife Tori sleeping on the couch with their son.


Jade West-Vega sat in her office typing up a new movie script. She smiled to herself as she heard the small giggle of her baby son, Mikey, coming from the living room. She could also hear the soft voice belonging to her wife Tori Vega-West as she currently played peek-a-boo with said baby, their son. The door was slightly open just so she could hear her wife and son as they played. Jade used to keep the door closed so she could concentrate but ever since Mikey first laughed she began to keep it open as the laugh had become her favorite sound to hear every day.

Michael Anthony West was born to Tori Vega-West and Jade West-Vega on August 8th, 2018; two years after Jade and Tori were married and five years after the gang graduated high school. Both girls had an agreement that Tori would carry the first pregnancy and if they chose to have another, Jade would carry the second.

Jade was freshly out of collage while Tori was still taking online classes. Jade of course, chose to write scripts for movies. She did do some acting while in college but for now was focused on writing and maybe directing sometime soon. It had taken her all of her college career to find someone that would even give her "rookie" scripts a chance but it helped once she had graduated. One of her professors sent in her works from both high school and college to a friend of his in the movie business. Now she was co-writing a script for an indie movie. Sure said movie would probably be released directly to DVD but we all have to start somewhere right?

Tori on the other hand did go into singing right out of high school. After landing a deal, releasing her first CD and going on a small tour, she decided to attend college for acting. She still works on her music when she can though. In fact, her second CD is about ready to be released. She'll then go on tour when Mikey is old enough to eat baby food and won't need her breast milk (her mommy milk as Tori likes to call it) as often. And then three nights a week, she "attends" a cyber class. Each class is just a 45 minute podcast lecture. Everything else such as reading a chapter in the book, if that's needed or any class work is done on the student's own time. [She basically attends a cyber collage designed specifically for people who work while attending school, parents or working parents.]

Several hours later, Jade saved the work she had so far and shut down her computer, ready to call it a night. She yawned as she shut off the lights to her office and began walking to her bedroom. The former Goth had to pass the living room to get there. Said room had been quiet for the last two hours so she guessed her wife and baby were in bed by now. But the glow to the TV told Jade otherwise. She walked into the room to shut off the TV but stopped when she noticed something on the couch. She expected to see her wife as she sometimes fell asleep on the couch whenever Jade worked late. What she saw though she didn't expect but it melted her heart at first glance. The half-Latina and Mikey were both sound asleep spread across the couch. Tori was lying on her side curled around their son. Mikey was also lying on his side facing his mother. Jade noticed in the light of the TV that Mikey still had his mother's breast in his mouth. Tori's shirt was off for bonding purposes and skin on skin contact. The Latina often commented to her wife that feeding was her favorite times of the day just for the skin on skin bonding. Jade also had her own bonding times but that's another story for another time.

Jade couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the adorable sight. She pulled out her phone to snap a picture using a moment when the TV light was at its brightest to get a good shot. She put her phone away when she was finished and slowly approached her two favorite people on the couch. If it were up to her, she would just let the pair sleep on the couch, but it was stressed from day one that co-sleeping was fine from time to time and for naps during the day but Mikey had to sleep all through the night in his own bed.

Jade kneeled down quietly and carefully and slowly moved the infant from his mother's chest. Tori moved in her sleep when Mikey was removed from her arms but didn't wake. Jade ever so slowly stood with the baby cradled in her arms and made her way to Mikey's nursery.

After carefully placing her son in his crib, Jade tip-toed back into the living room and up to her wife. She tucked each arm under Tori's head and legs and lifted her bridal style. Tori awoke slightly and snuggled her face into her wife's neck. Jade smiled and placed a kiss on the Latina's forehead.

"Our son is so cute." Tori mumbled into Jade's neck.

"Yes he is." Jade chuckled as she walked up the stairs."

"We made a perfect angel."


They arrived in the bedroom and Jade gently placed Tori on the bed not bothering to put another shirt on Tori. Instead she removed her own shirt wanting to take advantage of the closeness she could have with her wife. She'd deny it if asked but this kind of cuddling was her favorite. When she did cuddle that is. The former Goth crawled into the bed behind her wife, and pulled the comforter and sheet over them. She wrapped her arm around Tori's waist and gently rubbed her thumb across the skin above the Latina's belly button. She felt Tori move back as far as she could, snuggling into Jade's arms.

"I made Mikey giggle as much as possible tonight just for you." Tori mumbled, almost asleep again.

"I figured." Jade mumbled into Tori's hair.

"I love you, goodnight."

Jade's grip tightened a moment. "I love you too, goodnight."


I didn't know where to end it so- well whatever.

I got this idea while I was holding my nephew while he slept. I don't know if I like how it turned out though.

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