The Day Your Life Ends

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  You sweatdropped to a gold bandannas group which was trying to flirt with you through coffee. You were officially working in Starbucks, and having a piercing made the thugs interest in you a lot more. You weren't that beatiful, nor you had big breasts. You weren't that attractive either. Just a normal 18 years-old girl, or at least you thought this way.

"Please order what you want, sir." the group smirked and a blonde haired male started talking. You guessed that he was the group's leader.

"What if I want to order you?" the group giggled like girls.

You were known to had the deadliest glare in Ikebukuro, and you had no choice but to use it now. You gritted your teeth and gave them a cold glare.

"Please order what you want to drink, or get out. You are waiting the line." You pointed to the crowd and tried to smile but failed miserably. They trembled in fear, and the leader yelled 4 caramel frappuchino. You got the money and sighed to yourself. This job was getting harder day by day. When you were getting an another order, Ban, your coworker tapped on your shoulder and reminded you that your shift ended 5 minutes ago. You sighed in relief and went to change your clothes. Today was the day you get your montly payement, so you stopped by your boss's office. Smiling to yourself, you imagined your favourite food, russian sushie. At the end of the month, you always rewarded yourself with some russian sushie, and you became buddy-buddy with Simon through time. You bowed happily to your boss, and got your monthly payement. Your boss was a bald, short pervert who made women wear mini skirts as uniforms in Starbucks. Of course, you were expectional since he was "slightly" afraid of getting on your bad side. You thanked him deeply and got out of the office. Sparkles in your eyes, you opened the letter and saw an another paper besides your cash. Curiously, you got the paper out and saw a beatiful handwriting.

(L/N)- san, I hope you think your decision again and start wearing mini-skirts~
Sincerely, your boss.

You were.. speechless. You just couldn't explain what was going on inside of you right now. It was like a volcano bursted out hot lava and was making your blood boil.

But.. What would happen if I wear it anyway?

You immediately get rid of that thought and started walking to your favourite diner. Your sense of direction was worse than the level of nightmare in a game, and you get lost pretty easily even though you grew up in this city. But because of your enourmous friend Simon, you could find the diner pretty easily. I mean, who wouldn't see him from afar?! He's a Russian.. and a giant.

It was pretty late, and the sky started to get darker. Every time, it surprised you to see how fast people flee to their homes when it gets dark.

"The roads seem so lonely and isolated.." you thought to yourself.
Then a hand grabbed your mouth and pulled you to the shadows. Then you met and unpleasant view. It was those gold bandanna jerks again.

"Did you miss us?" their leader asked you, smirking. You just narrowed your eyes and the one closing your mouth  freed his hand.

"You know, you are pretty hot yourself.. Why don't you become our fun toy tonight?" Their leader made you hit your back to a wall and approached his head to your face. His breath smelled like crap.

You grinned at them. "Please.. I am not that beatiful, I am not even hot. Why are you coming to me? I'm sure there are more attractive girls than me~" He smirked at you and turned his head to his gang.

"Heh~ Look what this bitch is saying to escape from us. " Then he turned his head to you again.

"You know, you embarassed the hell out of us before. And the gold bandannas never forget what you do to them and always gets their revenge~"
"Oh, you mean the glare? It's nothing personal."

Opps, he seems triggered..

"Look bitch, you-!" He was about to punch your face, but when he was trying to get in stance,

he punched Heiwajima Shizuo instead.
Wait a minute... HEIWAJIMA SHIZUO?! You have never seen him till this moment, and you were hoping not to.

There was a moment of silence when the gold bandanna group realized that it was the infamous Heiwajima Shizuo.
And not so long later, the infamous line of his.


The group begged their lives and their leader pointed his finger to you. "Please spare us o'mighty Heiwajima-sama! This girl here ordered us to punch you, please spare us!" It took you a moment to grasp what they said and you started to turn white from what you heard. Then you heard something more deadly, Heiwajima Shizuo's war cry. "I don't care who did it, but I will kill you all!" Even though you heard that he had inhuman strength.. it was still unbelievable to see him punch people naked. Then he lifted a seller machine and threw it to you.


You were officially Heiwajima Shizuo's enemy and were apparently running away from him at full speed. You just wished to become the Flash at that moment but you knew that it was impossible.


A street lamp fell right besides to you. You yelled with your sophrano voice and tried to run a bit faster. Just how impossible was this human being?! You tried to sweet talk this situation with him but it wasn't working beacuse you were so panicked for god's sake. "LOOK I WASN'T THE ONE-" a traffic lamb landed to your left. "WHO-" a caution plaque landed to your right. "TOLD THEM TO DO THIS!" a car landed in front of you.

You started to write a dead wish in your head. Dear mom and dad, today I-
Then you saw your apartment and sighed in relief. Because you thought you were safe in your house. Sadly, you were very, very wrong. He lifted another car and threw it to you. You just yelled more and got inside of the building and started to climb the stairs like a maniac. You could hear the sound of his footsteps behind you. You trembled in fear and opened your door and locked it behind. In the blink of an eye, the door crashed and flied outside of your window, nearly smashing you to a pulp. You gulped loudly and tried to get away from him but there wasn't anywhere to hide. Just when he was about to punch you, you put your hands in front of you with instict, and yelled with all your might.


You felt a strong wind on your left side and saw your wall crashed. You started to tremble and your skin went white. Heiwajima Shizou looked at you,
"Is it true?" You were too paralyzed to answer, but nodded instead. Then he turned his back to you, "Then I'm sorry." and walked out of your house. Was this man serious?! Your legs trembled, and you fell on the floor, sitting. You were dumbfounded, and couldn't help to thought that your life was spared by the help of god a minute ago. You couldn't grasp the situation right now, and just continued to sat on the floor. Your jaw dropped, and you just couldn't believe that you haven't got any injuries, wondering where your swah has gone. You lifted your bangs with your hand, and heard someone's voice from the window.

"I'm amazed, to be honest." You turned your head to find a smirking'raven haired man sitting on your broken window.

"Not everybody can escape Shizu-chan~" he looked at your face carefully, studying it. "But you did it." He laughed close eyed, and waved at you. "Guess we will see each other a lot more, (Y/N)-san." Then he jumped out of the window.

You couldn't believe your eyes.

That was none other than..

Izaya Orihara.

Hello~ Inari here~~ Tbh i have lots of drafts about all kinds of animes, and i finally decided to publish one of them! Im a responsible girl, ik. Sigh.. and highschool started too.. The timing couldnt be worse.. But for the love of these two characters, i will try!
*jumps out of the window with a war cry*
If any of you has a critisizm, can you please message me? OuO And if you want the chapters to be longer or shorter, you can message me too~
gosh, im having bad english here..
hope you all enjoyed the story!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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Durarara!! Izaya Orihara x Reader x Heiwajima Shizuo //~Scarlet~//Where stories live. Discover now