Runaway (Doctor Who 11th and Clara)

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I grinned, hopping off the various pieces of tar and pavement , adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

my katana made a faint clanking noise as I danced in the shadow, running faster then the human eye could see.

all they would see would be a blur, but it was really just me.

And trust me, if you know who I really was, you would never want to see me in the first place.

I grinned jumping on the emergency fire escape, using my momentum to swing myself up onto the fire escape.

I kept running, glancing over my shoulder occasionally.

They were coming for me.

I just shook the thought from my head, dashing from one room, and hopping to another, my escape hidden among the rooftops of London.

I calculated the map of the city in my head, If I hopped one building ahead, then go down the fire escape , then go through the alleyway for 15.3 seconds, I would be parallel to the building I needed to get into.

I grinned mischievously, charging off the roof of the building, making a slight grunt at the impact of the small fall.

I kept moving, grabbing onto the rungs of the fire escape.

I hurdled to the ground, landing on my feet with a resounding thud.

but I just wiped the sweat off my brow.

It was to early to give up now.

I swept through the narrow alleyway, counting mentally, and making a sharp turn.

I quickly skidded to a halt as I glanced at the busy street that was my only obstacle between me and my pursuers.

I quickly calculated my speed and velocity, I whip my head back when I hear shouts from a few feet behind me.

I grumble, rolling up my sleeves, quickly dashing into the street blindly, hopping over every car hood before it even got a chance to touch.

I smiled, running down the small street as I hear the several cars blaring , but I just ignored it.

I looked behind me, gulping as I see the men chasing me a handful of feet behind me as they waited for the traffic to clear up.

I just gave a devilish giggle, running , and grabbing onto the drain pipe of the building, my old worn converse protesting with a small screeching noise as I griped onto the pipe firmly, using the last bit of traction my shoes had to help propel me upwards, walking the wall like a spider.

I stuck my tounge out as the men watched below me, astounded by my feat. I grinned even more as I undid the screw attaching it to the building, smiling sweetly as it fell to the ground with a large crash.

I gave a my best taunting smile, waving at them as I hopped inside the window.

I rolled on the floor, I hop up , glancing around with the sharp reflexes of a cat on drugs.

I dashed over to the door, mentally cussing at myself as It made the clunking noise I dreaded that I would hear.

I sighed, pulling out my stethoscope, and within minutes, the door was open and unlocked, I dash out into the corridors.

I skidded to a halt, my shoes making the dreaded squealing noise as I stopped myself from moving as I heard 3 voices coming from the hall in front of me.

"Doctor, What was that?" I hear a female voice ask.

"Sounded like shoes. Must be the Janitor." the man quickly dismissed.

I quickly replayed the conversation in my head.

So Analysis...

Well, there were 2 people, both of which were clearly British from there accents. One of them female, seems to be about early to late 20's the other man was the same , but yet his voice seemed to hold some sort of an ageless quality, and heir flowing around the room as he spoke. Like he had the power to do just about anything.

"Lobster backs." I murmur under my mouth, quickly whipping out my ninja stars.

I did a simple equation in my head, and in a second I calculated there distance in accordance to the structure.

I nodded, grabbing my ninja stars tightly.

I counted to three mentally , then quickly , yet silently dashed out of the shadows.

I flung he ninja star full force, one scraping the mans ear, missing it by inches, the woman had a small section of her hair chopped off.

the man quickly turned around , surprised by my presence.

I held the Katana firmly in my grasp, unfaltering.

"Um Clara... I think we've got company." he says to the woman beside him, the girl quickly turns around, her face filled with surprise as she spotted me.

Runaway (Doctor Who 11th and Clara)Where stories live. Discover now