Umm hello(I guess this is an a/n)

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Well, hello there people. Ya I know very well that it has been a long time since I have posted something here and yes, I feel quite quilty about that. Though at the exact same time I don't feel that bad about it because not that many of you have probably seen or cared about this and I never promise a schedule of some kind. BUT still, none of that is a good excuse for not posting anything for months. So in turn, these next few days I will post some of the art I have on my phone and then I will post whenever I finish drawing something.

Now just in advance these updates after these next few days will more than likely be days, weeks and possibly months apart because I do not draw as much as I would like to, but I will try to scramble and find any art I have draw up to this time and place and post it here so I can somewhat make up for these months of nothingness.

Okay so I am going to say goodbye now but I just realized something, some people may read this in the future and they aren't going to care about this at all because I have already posted more things and moved on.

Okay so outro or whatever.

So this is me Piphlosion, telling you,a random reader, to have a good day, night, or whatever time of day it might be. PEACE!

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