Wait...he's a thing now?i didn't know XD yay another gaster sans!wait...that means another flirt!nuuuuuuu!
Inklette:*starts laughing*oh my god!
Enseta:doesn't that mean another gaster Rachel tho?
Me:well I'm okay with her*faints and has a nosebleed*
Freshnette:ummmm...she okay?
Jamette:yea she's fine
Freshnette:if ya say so dudetteSwap inklette:awwwww!there so adorable!
Pics & Vids I find on google,YouTube,or wattpad books I read
Short StoryDerp (Yup that's all I have to say for this -_-) I get this stuff either from Google,YouTube,and wattpad books I read -_-