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I woke up with a fright. I leaned back down on the the bed as I realized it was just Nala barking at nothing. "I gotta teach that god damn dog to not bark while I'm sleeping." I get up and walk to my walk-in wardrobe. As I walk in I grab the first comfortable clothes I see and quickly get changed. I walk downstairs and see Nala going crazy as I walk toward her. I open the fridge and get Nala her breakfast. As I close the fridge I get the strawberries, flour, sugar and maple syrup out of the cupboard. I turn on the stove and start to cook Alfie (who is still asleep) our special pancake breakfast. As I finish them and place them on to the table I hear. "Zoe!!!" Alfie seems worried. "Yeah!" I scream running upstairs to see if everything is OK. "Did you invite Marcus?" He asks. "Nope, He probably just wants to film a video or something." I say. "Come down stairs Alf, I made breakfast." "Coming Zo, I'll just put some clothes on It's cold in here."

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