How And Why?

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I walked past a window and opened it to let the fresh dank memes into my hobo kind of a home, I didn't know what to do with these dead yellow I just pushed them into an open cupboard that was dusty af and smelt like rotting harambe memes.
I thought to myself for a bit still questioning my will to live or something idfk,  the yellow rats were still twitching and spazzing out but I just ignored that!

I still had no idea how they even got in here? I thought as I sipped my tea (which was really good btw)  I couldn't even phone the police since my internet would go down! And we all know that Internet is the oxygen I breathe...And they probably would be like "bro no pranks too dank for me #NoChin amirite" well probably not but still!
Even i would find that weird and I'm a bloody lamp mate.
Anyway, What was I going to do? I can't just leave them there....can I?
"Well fak me" I mumbled summoning barney the dinosaur "you called?" Giggled barney the fucking purple dinosaur "u wot mote fok off ill fite ya I will Jk bro get out I didn't ask for your opinion if u ain't gonna make me a sandwich" I carried on "Then get out." Barney looked up at me slowly judging me with his huge ass gay eyes "k b" he said while running around in circles exiting my box of a room.

"Now what?" I sighed closing my computer, "What can i write about next?" I Smiled realising of how stupid and retarded i was,

Until Next Time~

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