Chapter 5

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Vikk's P.O.V (The Child of Water)
I was tossing and turning trying yet failing to fall asleep. It was around midnight yet i didn't even feel tired, maybe it was because i couldn't get mind off the golden spark from earlier this evening. Swinging my legs over to the side of the bed, then scooting over to the foot of my bed, i rested my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands just trying clear my thought.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble

"Oh not again." I moaned to myself. I looked up with an annoyed face to see a dark gray storm cloud collecting above my head. I'm just so sick of these clouds. They were cool when i was a kid but now they're a pain, I'm lucky they never form while I'm recording. These clouds always show up when ever I feel a certain way; fluffy white = calm/relaxed, rain = sadness, thunder = curiosity, lightning storm = anger, snow = excitement. So guess what, I'm feeling curious and just as i going to sleep, great. I didn't even bother to swat away the cloud because I've tried at least hundred times and it has never worked. I let myself fall back on my bed hoping that the stupid thunder cloud would go away, but instead i feel suddenly parched. Not wanting to get out of bed, i glance over to a glass sitting on my nightstand and wave my hand causing the glass to fill to the perfect amount of water. Ever since I was a kid, I've had these odd yet cool water powers, not sure why but I learned to accept them.

-Flash Back-

Swimming in the lake that was located behind my house as a kid was my favorite thing to do whenever it was warm out. I loved it so much, that i would never believe that one day i would fear it.

It was my seventh birthday so my parents promised to go swimming with me today. A few hours of playing and splashing around had pasted and everyone, including me which i found strange, grew tired so we switched to relaxing. But i refused to get out of the water so i rested upon one of those inflatable raft things and drifted out to the center of the lake, while my parents stayed on shore. Close to a half hour had gone by, and so close to falling asleep when i felt a light tug on my right ankle. I softly groan, thinking that my parents were going to say it was time to come in, but when i sat up i noticed that no one was there. I turned to the beach only to my mum reading a book and my dad taking a nap. Then i feel the tug again, but this time it was harder and i could barely see the one behind it. There was a black gloved hand poking out of the water and gripping my leg along with a dark figure underneath it, and all i could make out was some guy wearing scuba gear. Time caught up with me when there was one last tug that began to pull me under. All i could let out is a loud yelp, one just enough for my mom to hear and look up from her book before being submerged.

The strange man continued to pull me down at a pretty quick rate. I tried with all my might to make him let go, but his grip was too tight, and i knew that i could drown any minute. I say minute because I've always been able hold my breath underwater for around 3 minutes straight.
A couple minutes had pasted and we were still going down, i wasn't sure where he was taking me but at this point i would be dead by the time we got there. I could feel my time on Earth running out so i silently gave my last wishes. Closing my eyes and taking one last instinctive gasp for air, when i felt a terrible pinch in my chest.


I new for sure i was dead when i took in a normal breath, but i could still feel the cool water surrounding me. My eyes shot open to see i was still being dragged downwards. I took this to my advantage and attempted to remove the hand again, but then i froze when i noticed some weird fobs placed between my fingers. I raised my hands up to my face and was shocked by what i saw. Having no clue how, i was breathing underwater and now my hands were webbed. Maybe, just maybe i can use this to escape. I lifted my hands above my head, then thrusted them down with chance to at least to slow our decent. Once i did, i felt something like a strong current coming from the my palms that caused the man to finally let go. I was about to make my way back the surface to show my parents i was okay, but was interrupted by a sharp stinging on the sides of my neck. Once the the pain subsided i rubbed my neck to see what cause the pain. I foumd out how i was still breathing.
I felt gills.
My state of shock gave the man from before time to catch up so he was now ten yards in front of me. I could feel his anger from me escaping. Thinking light on my feet (or whatever term you would use being water), attempted to pull of the same thing I did for getting out of his grasp. I thrusted my arm forward and felt the same strong current, but this time a rapid water jet shot out of my palm. The jet landed a hit on the one who wanted to drown me and sent him flying. I knew for a fact he was a goner when I saw his air tank sinking like a rock. I did a small back flip in triumph. I was surprised that my ascend was extremely faster than my descend, I mean only took like two seconds before I propelled myself out of the water. This feeling, it was freedom, I have never felt it this way, it was amazing. Then I sadly caught up with reality and dove back into the lake but then popping my head out and spotting my parents looking for me still on the beach. Ducking back under I began to swim at an inhuman speed towards the shore, but before showing myself I let all of today's events seep in. If I still looked how I did now after coming out would they accept me, who was that man and why did he want me dead, why is all of this even happening. Soon enough I had the courage to make my 'big reveal,' but as I started to stand on the soft sand below my feet, I heard my mum's voice clear as day even though my head was under the surface.
"It's been ten minutes since he went under and he's still not back up!"
Wow only ten minutes I thought it was much longer, and if she knew how I was down there then how come she didn't think I had drowned.
"I told you I saw him surface, and even if he didn't then we both know he handle himself down there."
Wait, they knew? How, this only happened today and I don't think they've seen me yet.
"I know he can handle himself but don't you think that he would come to us as soon as he found out he had powers?"
I was using 'my powers' back there. Things are getting interesting.
"Once he does come back should we tell him about the prophecy. You know, to explain why we're not freaking out about him being under water for so long."
What prophecy?
"Tell you what, we'll leave the book on the kitchen table and if he reads it, he reads it. If he doesn't then it can be a bed time story. Do remember that he said that prophecy can be presented to Vikk in anyway."
What book? Who said that to them? I think it's time to get answers.
At the that moment I stood up silently so they didn't notice me. The water was up to my waist. Before I could get their attention, I felt water trickling down my shoulders and back. It turned out that my gills had basically melted away, also my hands were back to normal. I let out sigh of relief, apparently loud enough for my parents because they turned to me with thankfulness in their eyes.
"Oh Vikk, your father and I were so worried about you. Please tell us what happened." My mum said as she hugged me. Memories of what happen in the lake flooded back causing me to softly cry on my mum's shoulder. The moment was dispersed when it began to rain, but when I looked up there was a single cloud floating above my head. My mum gave me smile of comfort and warmth that calmed me down and the cloud disappeared. She then carried me back the house. Dad must have left while I was being calmed, because when we got back he was getting dinner ready. There was also an old, worn down book titled 'Believed to be Fiction' sitting on the table just as I heard in the conversation. Curiosity took over and drew me to the book, so I sat down and flipped to a random page that so happened to be labeled 'The Child of Water'. It talked about this kid who could breathe underwater and swim at extreme speeds, they also could change water's state of matter, move it with their mind, and some type of cloud would appear over their head depending on the way they felt. Then it just hit me.
I am the child of water.
I completely for got about asking the questions I wanted to ask earlier because I was having too much fun playing with my new powers. Though one night my dad showed me some weird prophecy thing, but I really didn't care and forgot about it most of it.
-End of Flash Back-
"Ok this is getting fudging annoying." I mumbled walking over to the open window to get some fresh air. My head peered though the window frame as I glanced up to the silver moon. Then their was this odd feeling, a feeling of relaxation mixed energy that made the thunder cloud melt away.
That amazing feeling was replaced with drowsiness, so as soon as I plopped down on the bed I feel right to sleep. Unaware of the great adventure that lied ahead.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait for a new chapter. And apparently I keep intentionally lying about what the most detailed back story is so I don't want jinx anything. Anyway two quick announcements, one I have a new squad it's the cookie squad so who ever joins gets a cookie. Two, I have a few story pitches that I will give info tomorrow for. Till next time.

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