19 ~ Is this the end?

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TOTALLY lost all inspiration for the chapter names. ;) Soz. I know it's lame.

Dedicated to @falseluck for her awesome comment on the previous chapter. Thanks guys, for all the comments! You are all TOTALLY AWESOME!!

The Lost Boys are still dancing around their bonfire.

I try. I really do try. But every time I seem to hit some sort of wall. At last, I sag back against the tree, exhausted. Panting, I try again but feel something poking me.

"Relax. Try again. Catch your breath first. All you have to do is get us out of these ropes."

I pant, steadily recovering what little strength I have. "This better work..."


This time I close my eyes. I think of everything that's happened to be in the past few weeks. Firstly, running away. The Enchanted Forest - meeting Cora, being kidnapped by a moronic teenager. Almost dying... then being saved... and now I want nothing more than to be free. I don't care if I die.

That kind of surprises me. Why am I doing this then? it's a question I've asked myself a lot. Why do I do anything anymore? Especially for Pan. What do I care?

The truth? I do care. When I said I loved him back on the rock... that was false. I was playing with him, and he was with me. But that kiss that woke me... was that even real? No. That wasn't real either. I concentrate. Breathe. Relax. Think. Think... The ropes slip off. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath until it comes rushing back in a gasp. My shoulder hurts more than ever, where the arrow hit.

"Good. Now, get us the hell out of here." Pan grabs my hand. It takes every fibre of strength I have in me to get us away, to get us to my dream again. I know we'll be safe for the moment - the state of dreaming is very hard to find - sort of halfway between reality and imaginings.

The massive amount of relief I feel when the world stops spinning, and the hill comes into view is overwhelming. Along with the utter exhaustion and pain. That comes next, in a rush.

All I can remember is wanting to fall into the grass and die. I feel my whole body shake. But then, it stops as something wraps around my shoulder. I don't care that it hurts like nothing I've ever felt before.

I must be wimpering. Oh. Good. Grief.

"Shh. Shh." A voice says. I hope it's not Felix. Because that would suck majorly. I'm lowered slowly to the floor, still shaking like I'm having a convulsion.

"It's alright. You did it. You saved us."

"No thanks to you... Peter." I glare up at him.

He doesn't say anything, just stares down at me with a smirk on his face. "What?" I feel strangely numb all over. Am I dying? Like - truly dying?

"That's the first time you've called me Peter." He mutters. I hadn't really noticed to be honest.

"Just hold still. Think you can manage that?" His hand glows around my shoulder. It feels like it's being amputated without medicine."

I can't find the strength for words. But I must sound like a dying whale.

"It's alright." His other hand brushes the damp hair from my eyes. At least I'm not shivering anymore. "Almost done. I promise."

"Why don't you just let me die in peace?" I murmer. The pain is slowly subsiding. Verrryyy slowly. I lean against him, exhausted and in pain.

"Because that will never happen." He pulls the pipe out and starts blowing softly. "My little lost girl." The rhythm plays fast. Like it did on the first day, it starts to lull me further into sleep.

"Stay with me." I mumble. I slap myself. Mentally/ The things being hurt will make you say. 

"Shh!" he retorts. "I promise I won't leave." his pipe floats out the magical notes. I don't realize he's beside me warm, strong arms wrap around me, gently pulling me closer. Eventually, I stop shivering, and the majority of the pain subsides. I feel my eyes closing...


Why do I seriously keep waking up feeling like death? Honestly. You'd think after a whole 12 hours sleep I'd be bright and chirpy... but no. I feel like dying all over again.

At least I'm alive.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He tries my line. I don't even care that I'm in his lap now.

I try to think of a million tardy responses and sassy remarks but all that comes out is a cough, and a shiver.

"That'll do." He pats my head. "Feeling better?"

"Thanks to you." I mumble. "I should never have blown that pipe."

"No you shouldn't have." His tone turns serious. "But don't worry, I'm well capable of fixing the idiodic things you do by now."

I try to glare at him but then I move my shoulder and wince. "Ow. Didn't you heal it?"

"Mhmm." He mumbles. "But not all the way. That's impossible, I'm afraid. The arrow was tipped with Dreamshade. No matter how much I try to completely heal it, it never will. It must do so in its own time."

I look at him staring down at me and feel something racing through my heart. Suddenly I don't see the monster I saw on the first few days. I see someone that saved my life more times than I can count - someone who will always be there for me.

"Peter..." I mumble, barely audible.

"What is it?" He asks softly, twirling my hair around his fingers.

"When you said you loved me on Skull Rock... was that true?"

"Of course not." he snorts. "We'd only just met, and besides that you were a prissy upstart. You came in thinking you could take over Neverland and destroy me." He smirks. "That's not how Neverland works, dear."

I try to move but find I can't. Besides, I'll get him back later for that remark. "What about now?" I ask.

He looks out into the distant landscapes and smiles. "Mm... you're OK."

I gather all my strength and roll off him, sitting up - trying to anyway. "Really? After everything we've done... you think I'm..."

In a flash, I'm lying on my back, staring at him as he leans over me. "You can just say it already, you want to kiss me. You forget, I can read you so easily."

"Here." I pluck a daisy in the grass and hold it up.

"What?" He stares at me as if I've fallen on my head. "What is this?"

"Your kiss." I laugh. "Remember Wendy? I'd give you a thimble, but I don't have one."

"Oh you little..." He leans down and brushes the hair from my face.

"You can't help yourself, can you?" I say with a smirk, mirroring his. "I..."

I'm silenced as he kisses me. It's completely unexpected that for a second I'm in shock. It's not like anything I've ever experienced before. It's not something I can easily put into words.

"There." He breaks away, still smirking. "Happy?"

I lay there, still in shock of what just happened. Peter Pan is the monster of Neverland - the person that tried to kill Henry.. the... suddenly none of that matters anymore. The person I want to be with, the person I love, is sitting right next to me.

I'M SO SAD!!! THE END OF BOOK 2! :( Aw I feel really sad now. Book 3 is still a while away. But it will come, never fear! Please leave me your feedback. And you might get a dedication. ;) The competition is still on. If you can tell me who you think Ruby's parents are I will give you a follow, and reads and votes on any of your stories. Have some guesses. ;) Until book 3! Adios, amigos!

Saving Ruby (OUAT fan-fic) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now