Chapter 1.

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As my sides heaved with exhaustion, I collapsed onto the ground shutting my eyes tight, wishing I could end my life. I slowly lower my shaking hand to a little case attached to my belt. Inside, a small blade, ready to slash wildly through the air and spill blood, rests. I wait. Is this really what I want to do? Is this how I end, after all I've been through?

Drawing my dagger, I stare into its' innocent, shiny face. That's when I see it. In the blurry reflection of my knife, I can barely make out the shape of my hunter. I freeze. My body, tense and suddenly overcome with fear, grips at the handle of the small blade. Even if I do have a weapon, it is no match for this cunning and cruel creature.

Slithering down the dark and gloomy hall, the beast steadily gains ground on me. With my pulse racing and head spinning, I know my only hope now is to run. Adrenalin surging through my body, my feet start to move on their own. I can hear the heavy crunch of bones snapping underneath the monsterous animals weight. Before long, the icky breath tingling the back of my neck makes my hair stand on end. I brace myself, ready for pain.

Its bleach white fangs tear at my skin while its crystal like saliva trickles down the black jaws of the beast. Pain rushes throughout my body as the creatures' teeth sink hard into my struggling body.

Slowly I get dragged closer to the creatures' face, as his teeth are removed from my flesh and licks the blood that's coated around his mouth. The beast emits a deep growl from its throat while its eyes stay locked on me. A cold sweat breaks out across my back as I can clearly see myself in its' cold, glassy eyes. 

Somewhere in the distance, a long and dangerous howl sounds the alarm. The next thing I know, I've been thrown against a wall and my head has smashed on a rock. My vision starts to fail me, as I slowly lose conscious. The pain... the darkness... the cold... each taking turns to torture me. Plunging me into an endless torment. The last thing I remember before I black out, is the deafening shrill of a human boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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