Chapter 3

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Is come to a point that the more I hung around Lauren and the girls the more I forgot about my heritage and the more I forgot about Octavia .....forgot about being a Grounder I've forgot about who I am that was until I was out in the woods I became less alert about my surroundings about the dangers about the mountin men that's when it happened I was ambushed even though I don't look like a Grounder no more and don't carry a knife or anything at all they still recognised me as a warrior the wanheda the commander of death I was the most skilled fighter I was undefeated in the sparing ring I went by many name for example people called me the Shadow , the Assassin, warrior Princess and last but not least the wanheda for I was death is self.

That was until I left and now look at me I'm locked in a cage with other Grounders from different clans I was the only one from the woods clan as we started to move it started to snow.

I sat in a corner my legs up to my chest the other Grounders tried to talk to me I just turned my head away as I looked out from my bars I could feel the cold air and snow hitting my face I might have started helusanating or something because I saw the wind of snow forming into horses with Grounders on the back of them and the one on the front leading them was Lexa they were running through the woods I really thought it was her so I Shouted out.


The horses started to turn towards me and with a gust of wind the show filled wind hit my face as if to say remember who you are once that air hit me I put my head down then back up with my warrior face on for I am the WANHEDA I AM THE COMMANDER OF DEATH I AM DEATH IS SELF I AM Y/N AND LEXA'S SISTER.

That's when I realised I am a GROUNDER and GROUNDER'S never go down without a fight for I am going to get me and the rest of these people out of here weather it is the last thing I do and I will die trying then I will return to my village for this means WAR!!!!!

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