Chapter 1: A Storm at Sea

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        A/N: All credit for the plot of the story and any and all other contributions belong to Nintendo and all companies and people who are responsible for the game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky's creation. The only things that I own are my own little twists to the story, such as romance, some personality to the characters, some actions not displayed in the game, and the names that I have given the main characters and for the team name, which are Akemi and Yukio, and Team Blue Sword. This is not plagiarizing.
3rd Person P.O.V.
       Thunder cracked. Lightning flashed. The rain poured down hard, upsetting the calm ocean and causing its waves to roll and roil and crash on the rocks of the bluff, and on the sand of the shore. The churning waves swirled so viciously that they produced white froth. Boom! The thunder sounded like a gunshot, and rang through the chaotic air. Over the din of the storm, faint voices can be heard. One voice is male and the other is female, and they are trying to yell at each other over the rain and the howling wind.
       "Whoa! Wh-wh-whoa...! Are...Are you OK?!" says the male voice, sounding panicked and concerned. Lightning temporarily blinded the two unseen figures, as both could be seen covering their heads and squinting their eyes.

      "No! Don't let go! Just a little longer...Come on! Hang on!" he says with severe desperation. More lightning.

       "N-n-no! I can't...hold on...!" the female voice calls out, weak, weary, and in pain, barely heard over the storm. Lighting flashed so brightly that it had a sound to it. If a sheen could have a sound, that is what it would sound like.
       "Waaaaah!" they both scream, and they are not heard again. The storm paid them no mind and raged on.
       Calm ocean waves gently rolled onto the shore of the beach. An injured Eevee has washed up on the shore, unconscious. A few minutes pass, and the Eevee begins to come to.
        She rolls over onto her stomach from her back, and slowly drags herself forward. She winces in pain, but pushes through it and drags herself away from the waves that could take her back to the sea.
       "Urrgh..." she grunts. She drags herself a little further, unable to do anymore. She slowly opens one bleary blue eye.
       "Where..."she begins. "Where am I?" Gasping for breath, she opens her other eye. This eye is brown. Taking in her surroundings with her different colored eyes, she finds herself near a red colored rock on the soft sand of the beach. She pulls herself unsteadily to her feet, tentatively taking a small step. Even the tiny amount of strain the step causes is too much for her, and she collapses back onto the sand.
      "...I can't..."she barely manages. "Drifting off..." Blinking a couple of times, she feels her vision fading and she slips back into unconsciousness again.
      Evening. A young Shinx is standing at the entrance of a well renowned guild. A grate is in front of the entrance, with two torches in black ceramic pots blazing off to the sides of the cliff on which the guild resides. On opposite sides of the grate, are two Pokémon totem poles, each of them displaying different Pokémon faces.
      "Hmm..." the Shinx mutters in contemplation. Indecision is evident on his face. He paces back and forth a couple of times in front of the grate, and suddenly he straightens to a stop. He has reached a decision, apparently.
       "No." he says, his voice steely. "I refuse to be paralyzed by this any longer! This is it. I have to steel my courage today." He walks onto the grate confidently, when suddenly-
       "Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!" a voice yells up from the below the grate, vibrating the Shinx's foot pads. Another voice calls out in response.
       "Whose footprint? Whose footprint?" yells this voice, significantly louder than the previous voice. The first voice yells back.
       "The footprint is Shinx's! The footprint is Shinx's!"
       Startled, the Shinx jumps back off the grate.
       "Waah!" he yelps. He looks around quickly, breaking a cold sweat. "That was too shocking!"     

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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