Part 3: Heartbroken

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      She was so happy until it started getting later in the night. Her happiness soon faded when she realized that she would be leaving the next day. That night she couldn't sleep, she cried instead. The next day she and her sister said goodbye to everyone. Her older sister and a family friend Dawn was driving them there. She wasn't ready to face her dad. She fell asleep in the car due to the lack of sleep the night before.

     She woke up when they were pulling onto their dads street. She was surprised to see that her dad had decided to have a little welcome home party for them. There was so many people, that they supposedly knew. She only recognized 3 of the people there. She went to her room early in the evening so she could get settled. All her things were their. Everything was already in her room set up, just seeing all her things made her cry. That night when she was laying in bed to go to sleep. She started crying, she didn't want to stay there, she hated the thought of staying there without her older sister there. Her older sister left the next day, she hugged her tight, because she knew it would be awhile before they saw eachother again.

      After she left, her little sister and her decided to go swimming. They went swimming and decided to go for a walk. They met a girl named Alana, her little sister and Alana became friends. One day, her sister and Alana wanted to go to the park to take their dogs to play, so she decided to go as well. They stopped at Alana's house on the way to get some water and snacks. While they stopped they met her older brother Chris. She instantly had a crush on him. He decided that he was gonna go to the park with them, so he could play basketball. Alana hated the idea, but she loved it. She was happy that she would get to know someone else that lived close.

       After that day at the park her and Chris started hanging out more, and more. Her feelings for him grew. One night they all wanted to go swimming, so she and Alana went inside to change while Chris went home to change. She told Alana that she liked Chris (she told her this knowing that Chris was her older brother). When they got outside Chris wasn't back yet so they decided to get in without him. He came 5 minutes after they got in. She started flirting with him and he was flirting back. They kept looking into each others eyes, while he kept trying to get her to go under water. A few hours later they decided to get out of the pool. She wanted to watch a movie, so she asked her dad if her, Chris, and Alana could watch a movie, he said they could. So she told Chris to go change and to come back, But before he left to go change, she decided to tell him that she liked him. She was glad that it was dark outside because her face would have been bright red. After she told him that she liked him, he did something she wasn't expecting, he asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes, then told him to hurry and go change so they could watch the movie.

       She finally felt happy again, after all those nights of crying herself to sleep and being sad, she finally felt true happiness again. 2 weeks later she and an old friend reconnected. She was going to stay at her friend's house one night, when she got a call from her dad saying that he was coming to pick her up and that she was coming home. She was scared, she didn't know what was happening. She didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to. She was happy when it wasn't her dad that actually picked her up, but it was an old family friend. When she got in the car she was scared. She decided to ask the family friend what was happening.

"Do you know why I have to come back home?" She asked

"Yes, I do."

"Why do I have to come home then?"

"Your dad was using your computer and went on your history and found your messages with your mom."

"Oh..." The conversation ended and they stayed quiet the rest of the car ride home. When they got home, she could tell that something was seriously wrong. Her dad was on the couch holding her little sister and crying. She sat down and it was quiet for awhile, until her dad started talking.

"Why would you want to leave? Are you not happy here?" He asked

"I... I don't know..." She said while crying.

"You can't leave. If one of you isn't here I will kill myself."

"We're not going anywhere. I'm sorry." She was crying along with her sister. He calmed down after she said that. They all watched a movie then went to bed. Halfway through the night her sister came into her room and crawled into bed with her.

"Are you awake?" Her sister asked.


"Do you think dad will really kill himself if we both leave?"

"I.... I'm unsure."

"I don't want him to kill himself." Her sister started crying.

"He's not going to. I promise that I will stay here if you want to leave. He said that he would only do it if we both left, you'll go and i'll stay so you don't have to worry about him. Okay?"


"Alright, now go to sleep. It will all be better in the morning." She said while cradling her sister.

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