Chapter One

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Ten years passed since the day the king ordered the Worg to be hunted down. Some Worg resisted, and proved quite a challenge for the men attempting to destroy their homes. Some escaped to Nevarra to live out their lives in the elven woods.
One pack, deep within the forest, chose to stay, hidden. The people of Acinia thought all Worg to be dead, so the hunters, or rather the remainder of them, had gone back to their families, eventually forgetting the Worg. So this pack thrived where men seldom ventured. Corran had once been alpha of this pack. But when the hunts started, he stepped down, allowing his brother, Kaen, to take his place. It was Kaen who decided to stay, hidden.
Corran's son, Cedric spent most of his time hunting, and teaching a pup, Borrik, in a concealed, quiet clearing they'd found. He taught the young Worg how to stalk prey, how to stay concealed when the few Men that did venture this far into the woods came around, how to conceal his tracks, and so on. This is what he did now.

"I'm hungry," Borrik said impatiently. He sat upon the tree stump in the center of the clearing, his legs barely touching the ground below.

It was a cool day, in the fall, and the sun shone upon the clearing, warming the two young Worg. They were not far from their den, yet far enough so that they could essentially do whatever they wanted and no one would be disturbed. A perfect area to practice combat, to practice stalking, and for recreation.
"Well, go get it," Cedric said, placing one forepaw on his hip, and gesturing toward the forest with the other.

Borrik looked to where Cedric has gestured, and huffed. "But I don't want to..." he said quietly.
"Well, too bad. A true Worg doesn't rely on his brethren to hunt for him. If--"
"I know, I know, 'If he wants something, he'll get it himself.' But I'm so tiiiirrrred....." Borrik interrupted, groaning.
Cedric shrugged, giving the younger Worg a look. Not my problem. Borrik rolled his eyes, and laid back on the stump, while his mentor still stood, paws on his hips. "Fine," the young one spat out after a few minutes, getting up. "Where should I go, oh wise one?"
"You figure it out. I'll be here," Cedric said, furrowing his brow as best his kind could.
Borrik, walked off, sighing, head facing the clouds, into the woods. Cedric sat on the stump, humming, trying to kill time. Several minutes later, Borrik returned with two rabbits, one of which he hurled at his mentor, who was startled by this. "Geez, Borrik! Watch it!" Borrik gave him the same not my problem look Cedric had given him. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there, princess."
They stared at each other for several seconds, until they both started laughing. Suddenly, Cedric felt a sensation on the back of his neck, as if he was being watched. He looked around at the woods around them; nothing. He shrugged it off and continued to argue playfully with his counterpart.

The day drew on, and the young worg continued bickering. The warm sun dropped far below the canopy, shrouding their clearing in shadow. Cedric decide it best to return to the den and see what they could do to help out.
Kaen emerged from his quarters, which was more of a hole in the wall of the cave covered by various furs, just wide enough to allow a few Worg inside for private discussions and meetings. He noticed Cedric and Borrik trotting into the den, late once again.
"Ah, Cedric. Finally. Come, I need to speak with you," Kaen called. He gestured to Borrik. "You too, young one."
Cedric sighed. "Can it wait, Alpha?" he asked, to which Kaen shook his head.
"It's important," he explained.
Cedric rolled his eyes, and gestured for Borrik to follow him as they took their time to go inside the Alpha's chamber. They entered the warm room, lit and kept warm by a fire in the far right corner. The furs covering the walls helped to insulate the room, as well as give it a more welcoming feel. Cedric's pallet, where he slept, lay in the far left corner. Being Alpha, he was given the warmest furs. He was as close to a king as the Worg had, and they treated him as such.
Kaen gestured for them to sit on makeshift cushions he had set out for them as he sat on his own. They did so, and the older Worg leaned in, gesturing for them to do the same. Again, they did so, and their alpha spoke.

"I know where you two go during the day when you claim to be hunting," he said. That was the excuse they used to go out into their clearing. "You know, I always thought it was strange that you, one of our best hunters, Cedric, never caught anything..." Kaen continued.
"But--" Cedric started, but Kaen held up his paw for silence.
"Yes, you've told us; Borrik keeps scaring your quarry off," Kaen said, disbelief in his voice. Borrik looked up at Cedric, and hit him in the arm. The older worg chuckled before continuing. "I saw you two in that clearing." Cedric dropped his gaze. "No no, it's fine. All you had to do was ask me for some time alone," Kaen explained. Cedric looked up, surprised.
"But, Alpha--"
Kaen grunted. "My name is Kaen..." he growled. He'd never liked titles.
Cedric gulped, and nodded. "Kaen..." He tried the word, and liked it. "I thought you said--"
Again, Kaen interrupted, nodding knowingly. "Yes, yes, 'A worg's responsibilty is to the pack. He should not waste precious daylight fooling around.' But who says you'd be fooling around?" he said, smiling. This time, it was Borrik to look confused. "Ah!" Kaen exclaimed before the young Worg could say anything. "I think this could be a good excuse to get you trained, Borrik. Now, i know, none of we other worg got trained. But who says we couldn't have used it? I think if Cedric were to teach you what he knows, have you learn from his experience, you'd be a great member of our pack, like myself, before you were even fifteen years." he said proudly. "You understand, yes?" he asked them both, who nodded as one. "Good! Dismissed."
Cedric let out a sigh of relief that they hadn't been punished as he left. He said goodnight to Borrik, and went to his own pallet to sleep around the bonfire that lit the whole of the cave that served as a den, which was well hidden in the vines and undergrowth of the jungle-like forest.
He knew this was going to be a long week, but he had no idea what fate had in store for their pack.

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