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Tonight is the party I was invited to by Zayn. Yeah, Zayn fucking Malik. I still couldn't believe it, he wanted to be my friend! The party tonight was going to be a place I didn't really recognize. It was close though, and half of the place was rented out. If you were uninvited, you'd have to pay tons to get in. Sucks for them.

You know what sucks more though? It was just me going. The girls didn't believe me when they heard me say I was Zayn's new friend. I'm surprised. Also, they didn't like parties. Except Jescelyn, but she was busy. Shit, it was just me on this.

"What am I going to wear?" I looked through my closet. The place was a karaoke bar whatever thing. Zayn told me to dress casual. What the hell is casual? I just wear whatever. I was stressing out so much, I even had to take picture of my clothes and make Zayn choose for me. He said that I could wear plain black skinny jeans and any shirt. I asked him if I could wear my Stitch crewneck, he said it was okay.

"Be safe okay?" Virginia said as I picked up my keys.

"Yeah, don't party too hard." Katelyn called from the living room.

"Don't bring home any boys." Erin warned as I slipped my shoes on. Ha, as if.

I sat in my car and waited for the engine to warm up. I sent Nick a few messages, but sadly he was busy. He was doing something for a friend. It was okay, I was going to a party.

I followed the directions to the place. Man, the line was long. I noticed a few faces in the crowd.

"Caspar?" I called out. Don't ask how I know so many people, I'm a Youtuber after all.

"Oh, hey!" It was Caspar. He was South African, and was a bit younger than me. 18 years old.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm having a karaoke night with Dan, Zoella, Alfie, Troye, and the Harries twins." He answered. "What are you here for?"

"I'm here for a party." I told him. "I was told I could bring my Youtube friends. Wanna join?"

"Are you sure about that?" Caspar hesitated.

"Yes, come on. I'm sure they won't mind." I offered.

"Actually, we're fine out here Aileen. Thanks for the offer." Zoella said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, now run along. Don't wanna be rude eh?" Finn told me.

"Okay, see you lads later!" I waved bye to them.

When I walked in through the door and past the guards, I felt the heat. It was hot in here!

"Aileen! Glad you could make it." Zayn welcomed me. I immediately felt the fangirl heart in me swell up.

"Thanks for inviting me lad. Sorry, my friends couldn't make it." I thanked. "Woah, there's not much people here eh?"

"Yeah, so there's nothing to worry about. Let loose okay? Come on, I'll introduce you to Perrie. She'll love you." He gestured me to follow him. I was Perrie? Perrie Edwards? Of Little Mix? Zayn's fiancéé? She was unbelievably perfect!

"Aileen, meet my soon to be wife, Perrie Edwards." Zayn introduced. I was gobsmacked. She looked flawless. She was tall, lean, and very beautiful!

"You're so beautiful.." I was dazed.

"Aw, thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you." Perrie held her hand out. That was a big ring. Wait, she wanted to shake my hand? "Zayn's told me good things about you. You're a Youtuber right?"

"Yes mam." I nodded.

"Very interesting!" She smiled.

"You both are getting along so well, I'll leave you two okay?" Zayn said and left.

Falling For Fridays // Niall Horan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now