Chapter 7

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Adam quietly slips from the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping man-child peacefully sleeping beside him.

He follows the aroma of freshly brewed coffee down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Well, how was your night?" Austin asks with a smirk.

Adam chuckles as he fixes himself a cup of coffee.

"It was a little weird. But I guess it was alright." Adam smiles as he sits down at the table.

"Weird? Like how?" Olena asks as she started breakfast.

"Timmy wanted to cuddle." Adam replies, his cheeks reddening a bit. "I kept having to remind myself that he had a mind of a child and children likes to be cuddled. And Tim wouldn't normally do that unless it was with Jenika."

"Chance was out like a light the minute his head hit the pillow." Rob says.

They look around as they hear feet shuffling into the kitchen.

Tim comes in rubbing his eyes with his fist.

"Good morning, Timmy." Olena smiles.

"Ant Ena, Me hungy." He says through a yawn, sitting down at the table beside Adam. (Aunt Olena, I'm hungry)

"You are? How about some pancakes?" She grins.

"Me yak panny cakes." Tim nods. (I like pancakes)

Oleana fills a sippy cup with milk, puts the lid on it and sits it down in front of the bass man.

"Morning." Jenika mumbles as she comes into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Jenika." Rob says as he sips his coffee.

She walks over to Tim and rubs him on the back of the head causing him to look up at her cautiously.

She leans over and gives him a soft kiss on the lips before heading to the coffee maker.

The others stare in shocked silence as Tim wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Yucky." He mumbles. "Girl derms." (germs)

"Jenika?" Austin asks softly.

"Hmm?" She hums in response.

"Are you alright?" Olena asks watching her make herself a cup of coffee.

"I'm fine. Uh, where are we?" She asks as she turns to Olena. "You need some help?"

Jenika's voice was back to normal and she was acting like the Jenika that they all know and love.

"JENIKA!!" Olena screams with excitement as she grabs her friend into a hug.

Jenika stands in shock as she is engulfed in hugs by Austin, Adam and Rob.

Being bombarded with comments like, 'How are you', 'Good to have you back' and 'We missed you'.

Suddenly a childlike bass voice interrupts their happy reunion.

"ANT ENA!! ME HUNGY!!! Me.... Me...Me want PANNY CAKES!!!" He yells causing them all to look at the irritated Tim.

"What. In. The. Hell. Is wrong with Tim?" Jenika asks blinking her eyes as she stares at her fiance'.

"Ohhhh." Tim gasps putting a hand over his mouth. "Unk Aussy? Jen said bad word."

Austin slowly looks around at the blond beauty. "You might want to sit down for this."


"So how old is he?" Jenika asks looking sadly around at her soon to be husband as he licks the syrup from his fingers.

"We're really not sure." Adam answers. "We're thinking maybe two or three."

"And Chance?" Jenika asks about her long time friend.

"The same." Rob replies.

"But the good news is, you're back. So it might mean they'll soon be back." Austin says with a hopeful smile.

"I don't know, Austin." Jenika frowns. "They were right in the midst of it. And no telling for how long."

Jenika spots the bruise on Tim's neck.

"Is this a hickey?" Jenika asks as she gently rubs her finger over the spot.

"Eeb me wone." Tim whines as he leans away from her. (leave me alone)

"Actually, No." Adam replies. "That's a bruise from where you pinched him, along with the one on his arm."

"Ooo hut me." Tim says with a pout holding up his arm and pointing to the bruise. "Ooo pinked me." (you hurt me. you pinched me)

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I would never intentionally hurt you." Jenika says.

"Ooo...Ooo mean." Tim says with a nod. ( mean)

Chance stumbles in and sits down next to Rob, laying his head over on the bearded man's shoulder.

"And here's our beloved baritone." Rob chuckles.

"You hungry, Chance?" Olena asks as she stands up to get his breakfast.

"Uh huh. Avi..Oli" Chance yawns.

"What is it with you and ravioli?" Olena laughs.

"Panny cakes, Chance." Tim says as sticky syrup drips into his whiskers.

"Pant takes? I pant takes." Chance nods. (pancakes)

"I have to admit, they are cute." Jenika giggles.

"Cute? Do you know how uncomfortable I was giving Tim a bath? Extremely, and that's no lie." Austin chuckles.

"I'll gladly take over." Jenika smirks.

"You really think Tim is gonna let you do that? He thinks you're mean." Austin says as he takes a bite of his bacon.

"But I'm not mean, Tim. I love you so much." Jenika says as she pushes his hair back behind his ear to keep syrup from getting in it.

"You whying." Chance says, causing Austin to snicker. (you lying)

"Excuse me, Mr. Chance. I am not lying." Jenika says with a shocked look on her face.

"Ooo wub me?" Tim asks. (you love me)

"Oh, yes, Baby. With all my heart." Jenika says as her eyes start to get misty.

"Ooo pwomise... ooo pwomise not to be mean to me no more?" Tim asks with a pout. (you promise)

"Of course I promise. I'm not the same Jenika that pinched you or pulled your hair." Jenika smiles.

Tim holds up his pinky finger. "Pwomise?"

"I promise." Jenika giggles as she wraps her pinky around his sticky finger. Her smile fades quickly and is replaced by horror.

"Oh my God!" She whispers loudly as she stares at her left hand. "My ring! My ring is gone!!"

"Relax." Olena laughs. "When you turned into little Jenika, I took your ring off and put it in a safe place so that you wouldn't take it off and lose it."

"Oh, Thank God." Jenika breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ant Ena?" Tim asks holding up his empty plate.

"Are you done?" Olena asks with a smile.

"No." Tim answers shaking his head. "Me want bacons."

Tim licks the syrup from his lips as he gives the laughing 'adults' a confused look.



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