Chapter Four

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On the way to the library Georgia asked "Do you and your brother get along?"

"It depends."

"Oh then you will probably think it's weird than Ethan and Bella have never fought."

"That's impossible," Michael said then turned to Ethan, "At least one fight." Ethan grins and Michael feels something but he can't name it.

"Well I had to put up a fight to come here." Michael laughs and Ethan blushes. Georgia looks back and forth between the two of them, then smiles. "They would make a cute couple" she thought.

Later Georgia, Ethan, and Michael to go get Bella and Nathan in the garden which is on the other side of the castle. Georgia wasn't happy about that.

Nathan and Bella are walking outside under the stars and they too got on the topic of siblings.

"You really have never fought with your brother!"

"No!" She smiled, "Ethan and I are really close."

"Nope," Nathan said not falling for it, "There has to be at least one fight."

Bella rolled her eyes but smiled , "Okay he fought to come here with me."

Nathan raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"He was worried I would back out," she looked up and saw Nathan's questioning face, "if I back out of the marriage I'll be exiled or worst executed."

"Why would you back out of the marriage?"

She looks up at him and laughs, "I don't want to be married I'm only sixteen."

"You do realize that everyone else your age is getting married or already is."

"Yes I do they get married just to have alliance between the kingdoms and..."

"And when they're married all they do is sit and watch their husband run the kingdom."

She looks up at him amazed, "Do you really think that or is that something you heard for a princess you knew."

"Well after the princess told me about it I agreed it was stupid."

She looked disappointed, "Oh which princess was it."

He had a smile on his face when he said, "My sister so you don't have to be jealous."

Her eyes widen and she blushes, "I'm not jealous"

"Sure you aren't." Then she kissed him and he of course kissed her back but they stopped almost right after they started.

Her eyes widen and she said, "Oh no why did I do that." He hadn't spoken and she started to worry.

"Nathan?" Nathan are you alright?" He comes to looked at her then he kissed her again.
She pushed him away and said, "I'm getting married to your brother and you shouldn't have done that if anyone saw us..."
Then she ran away and left Nathan in the garden.

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