Chap 9 : Insert Madness

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Chapter 9 : Insert Madness

She was silent. Everyone was. For one of the first times Lenalee was dead silent.

Kanda, Lavi. Everyone was simply silent. And why? Why?

Well that was hard yet easy to explain.

Painfully and unbearable.

Everyone was simply eating their lunch trying not to think about the situation but it was the truth. They shouldn't have been there. They shouldn't have followed Allen. They would have preferred to have just been oblivious to everything. To have not heard anything but due to their curiosity and childish worry they received something that was too much to bear than what they expected. She received something that was shattering and cracking her world to the point of no return. Shattering her world to the point of where there would only be dust and glass that could never be returned to the way that it used to.

Everything was breaking and turning to dust before he very eyes and drowning her. It was like she was like she was becoming asphyxiated. Like she was in an hourglass that was filling to the point where it was too heavy to tip over and hence would engulf her to. She was being killed by her own, now 'former' happiness. It was too much to bear.

Lenalee remained frozen hearing the words over and over in her head. Not being able to comprehend the situation. She simply didn't understand at all.

'Trialed with heresy?'

'Classified as a Noah?'


Executed'. The word itself was a taboo. An omen but she couldn't stop thinking about it. Allen was to be killed. Allen was going to die. Be killed?


That couldn't happen. That absolutely could NOT happen. That was impossible. It was a dream. It had to be a dream. She didn't hear any of this. It was simply a nightmare. Everything was just a nightmare. Nee san would never let that happen. Nobody would. He was important. A valuable member of their family. It had to the a lie.

But still a part of her knew it was the truth. It was obvious. Why though. She had woken up like usual. Done everything in the morning as usual. It should have been a similar day where she would just receive a mission and gone to prepare for it. Not overhear such a conversation.

She hated herself. Her curiosity. Her helplessness and her ability to do nothing.

She shouldn't have followed Allen. They shouldn't have gotten together and snuck in. They should have even been anywhere near there but yet…here she was. Hunched in Komui's office with everyone else overhearing the forbidden words. Hearing everything and as punishment feeling her heart shatter.

She was still silent. Too silent than she had ever been in her life. Almost even motionless. He body was in too much shock for the reflex of shivering to even kick in. Too shocked for her muscles to contract in oppose to everything.

It was a lie. It had to be. Allen wasn't going to be killed. Komui wasn't going to just give up. And none of this ever happened. It was just a nightmare. Her brother would never act like and neither would Allen. They wouldn't just give up so it was true. That wasn't her brother. And that wasn't Allen-kun. This was all just a nightmare.

Ever so slowly the girl buried her face in her thighs with wide eyes as she felt the last remains of her sanity try to fix itself.

It was all a lie. Everything.

It was just a nightmare.

She would wake up and go on a mission as intended. And everything would be like a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2012 ⏰

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