Chapter 15

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(15) Training [Part Two]

And I was wrong. Instead of just making me train for a longer period, the board of directors a.k.a my 'Choosers', want my training to be done soon so I can focus on the new song and album better.

So here I was on the second day of my training. In total, I had about fourteen powers, not counting my personality ones. And each EXO member was my trainer.

I had finished my telekinesis, mind and teleportation training, which means I had left around nine left. I didn't pass my fire and wind training because I still had much too learn before the training for those two ends.

The president and my 'Choosers' had given us a day off to help me train. I didn't think it was possible for me to pass all of my last nine trainings, but here I was, down to my fourth training, not counting the ones I passed and it was only 2 in the afternoon.

I had passed my frost, healing, and flight trainings. Those were the easy ones, now comes the real challenges, i.e fire, water, wind, thunder, electricity, beast power, light and time control.

Suho, Chanyeol, Sehun and Chen were teaching me on how to use all four powers at once. I was succeeding when the door to the rooftop slammed open.

I stopped my training and all of us strained our eyes to see the figure. The rooftop was huge and there was a part where it was hidden and we were currently using it.

We kept silent as footsteps began to near the entrance of the hidden place. The figure seemed to want to open the entrance, but hesitated and turned away.

We heard distant yelling as the figure mumble and then quickly went away. We waited for a few more seconds after the door was slammed before continuing my training.


I had just got out of the shower, changed and was now in the kitchen cooking along with Kyungsoo, Kris and Suho. We had left James to take care of them, but judging from the yelling, screaming and laughing, I'm saying that James is doing a poor job on taking care of them.

Everyone must be curious to why there were more people in the kitchen, right? 

Well, that's because we were going to discuss about what happened on the rooftop. As the leaders of EXO_K, EXO_M and EXO_E, we had to discuss problems together. 

Kyungsoo was just in the kitchen, cooking. He had promised to not leak anything to the other members until one of us gave the 'okay'. 

"So who do you think was up there this afternoon?" I asked. I know it was a stupid question, but hey, they might have a few suspicions. 

"We don't know. But what I know is that we don't have any enemies in SM, because we had been taught that we are one family and we musn't betray one another." Suho replied to my question. 

I took the whip cream and sprayed some on the double chocolate cream cake I had made last night. I was drawing some swirls while Kris and Suho brainstormed.

Kyungsoo was literally done by the time they had made a list of suspects. We quickly hid the list in Kris' pocket and we let the others in for dinner.

After they had eaten and the plates has been washed. Kris, Suho and I went into my room, since it was the only sound-proof one. 

"So, we have three suspects on the list. We brainstormed and paid attention to everyone that came into mind. It wasn't easy to pick these three." Suho told me and I nodded.

"Right. So on the list are Lee Soo Man, Lucynthia and Elder Benz." Kris listed them out and I used my mind power to quickly sort their profiles with what I know about them.

"It can't be Lee Soo Man, because if it was him, he wouldn't have let me in so easily. He would send people to bully and torment me. And one little detail I forgot when I was explaining my mortal life story." 

"What is it? Is it something to do with Soo Man? Or is it possibly with Lucynthia? Or maybe Elder Benz?" Suho looked calm, but there was a hint of worry in his voice.

"It consisted of all of them. They had all visited me at least once when I was 16, or so I thought I was 16. They came separatedly. The first one who visited was Elder Benz. I didn't get to talk to him, but I saw him and we greeted each other. I stayed in my room while he was talking to my mom." 

"The second who visited was Lucynthia. She came as my cousin. My mom thought it was safe, so she let me went to Starbucks with her. I ended up going to the hospital because of what she had done to me. She used a power that I don't remember, but it was strong and it only took one hit to take me down."

"Lee Soo Man was the last who visited me. He brought a fruit basket and bouquet of roses for my mom when he arrived. He and I would chat, because he was like an uncle to me. Plus he was the only one who frequently visited me. He didn't know I auditioned because I auditioned under another name."

"So what you're saying is that Lucynthia and Elder Benz might be suspects but Lee Soo Man might not be?" Kris asked me and I nodded.

"From what I know, Uncle Lee wouldn't even hurt a fly. He wouldn't even send anyone to hurt it. The last time he visited me was five months ago. But he didn't seem to recognize me when I went to see him the day I arrived."

"And that's why we have him on the suspects list. Can't you see, Raechelle? He pretended to not know you. Didn't you notice the men he has outside his office or inside?" Suho was getting more worried and I sighed.

"I understand. But you have to look on the other side too. I understand why you placed Lucynthia and Elder Benz on the list. But Lee? That's what I don't understand." 

"One other reason we chose Lee. Because he chose all of us except you. We all helplessly watched as your memories were locked. They had the most powerful guards to restrain us. Even Kyungsoo couldn't escape their hold." Kris was telling me something else that I hadn't known.

"But shouldn't that be Elder Benz's fault?"

"One thing you should know about Lee Soo Man, Raechelle. He is a selfish bastard and doesn't give a flying monkey's ass about anyone. He only cares about how much money he makes. He was the one who ordered those guards to restrain us, because he was the only one to understand the strength of our powers." 

I was about to say something when snoring came from beside me. I turned and saw that Suho was lying on my bed, already asleep. I then looked towards the digital clock I have beside my bed and saw that it was already 2a.m.

I sighed and ran a hand through my ponytail. "Its late and everyone's tired, including us. You both should get to bed. We'll talk about it more in the morning." 

Kris nodded and helped Suho out. I waved and bid them goodnight. I took my rubber band and brushed my hair before going to sleep. 

Hopefully we would know who's behind this soon.

[A/N: Annyeong. Just to clear things up, Lee Soo Man is not a bad guy in reality. Remember! This is only a fan-fiction. Notice the word 'fiction', that would help alot. I hope you all enjoy this book :) It means so much to me. Thanks for reading ^^ And to my fans, thank you guys and I love you]

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