to begin again

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Rambles of insanity in morality

Well today is a new day a start of a new month and a new season. Today is a day where we will always feel better for it is a clean slate for you to work will. It is a magical time to be happy and get away from trouble that haunt us in are sleep. To forget the nightmares of the last month and to move forward in life. To get a little older day by day week by week and month by month it is a magical time as those we care for stand next to us with arms extended out to catch is if we fall for that is why the start of a new day is a great thing to celebrate.

For those who stand alone a new day has its own foreboding feeling anther day alone an anther second of loneliness and a new night is a new nightmare to go with the trouble that lurk in the dark as well as the light. for them it is an exhausting effort to live in a world of horrors were nothing goes right. A world switched from black and white to a mixes of gray as the moon hangs over. the monster come to feed on the dark thoughts of those with them and to taint the souls so that they may suffer more. for there is a problem when it comes to naivety the world is not as black and white as we see it is just a mix of grays there is no right and wrong there is only perspective.

Though those with a passion so dark and deceitful the creature so disgustedly disturbing that the right hand of Lucifer himself would shrink away in abject horror at the madness displayed in the mind of morality the rambling of a madman come to bear the fruit of hate born in to the world as a seed of war that the courageous will fight but the cowardly will win in the end but as life leaves the eyes of the courageous the crow will crow a tone meant to summon a demon to taint the soul of dying and the dead as they sing the song of the dead the devil may cry for the loss of life and god may cackle in intoxicated hysteria as the sound rains down the mortal men the cry of the child in the ally ring as loud as bells for he has no mother or father for he was created in the sins of adultery for as he cries the rain falls harder downing him in the laughter of the insane. Then the bell chimes four time for the loss of life as only the homeless my care for the baby that will lose its life in the rain of hatred of those lost in the ignorance of other and the pain of loss is too much for those to bear it will creak and crack as the thunder rains down fire on the poor souls lost in the world of imaginary peace as black hellfire rains down it will aluminate the shadows and reveal the secrets meant to stay locked away like the elderly man locked in the deepest darkness cell lite by the lights of the wrongly excused of monstrosity that no one could bear as the elderly man rots in his spot he thinks of his family and how they dismissed him for the crime he did not commit he thought of the daughter he loved he thought of the home he built he thought about the darkness around him he thought about the man he was the man he became after many weeks in the dark as the rocks cracked and the walls shock the elderly man thought of the sweet release of death as the rocks fell around him his thoughts were on the woman his daughter became and the man she married the one who killed her brother and sentenced her father's death he sighed and let the darkness consume him in a blaze of falling debris as the dust settled the only thing left was darkness and the cackle of a god as he watched the death of an innocent man.

As one man dies another is born thought god himself may be in denial but he watches them grow and watches the self-hate grow within them for one day they will come to him begging and he will see the hatred they bear and those they hate for it is a world of hate there is always hate. Hate breads hate it makes more and more revenge is just a slice of what may come to those who wait they may be mourning people but even then they are happy in their hatred for the one man who has no hate will end up dead

Love what is it what does it do for us does it help or hurt us what is life without it there are just so many possibility's to explore there will always be time for one more time has no meaning to those with immortality they can be immoral all they want and there always more to come it like hatred no matter how we try there with always be pain in are heart there is not mare than a dozen of us with hate so shall we take a walk down the road of darkness or maybe you fancy something more how about we see adultery at its finest by wait there so much more to speak about you can't just play it off as some kind of mental disorder I am a man of men I will always be there and there is nothing you can do to stop me for I may be the ruler of the weak minded by what are you a wolf in sheep skin or a sheep acting like a wolf but too scared to get away from the real thing for I am the wolf that hides in the light as a normal person you see I am many things I have never ever had any one so sickly sweet enter my shop for it may be my birth day it may be you sim just a insanity in morality as though we may love each other there is just one problem I am a man of density I am a lies that are many more wicked but none can stand against me for I am a man of wonder a god amongst men

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