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For those who wait in the afterlife that they may see the lives of the ones they loved but alas they will not see them because they have been corrupted by the evils of man that live in the world of the living. They will only see the corruption that has infected their souls and they will see the demons they have become. The corruption has not only infected the living but the dead as well there is no solution to the bigotry of the ignorant. For they will suffer in the ether the lovely skies will be struck with harsh color of reds and oranges with flashes of lighting. Then there will be only the silence of the damned. For they will suffer for the sinful thoughts of other around them for it is like a disease that plague hole continents for it will not be stopped until they it nothing left to infected for it will only be stopped as the screams of pain of the last dark human soul finish it turn in the living world only to be brought to its knee in the silent mass of black that awaits them.

For they may scream for whatever god they choose. But they have chosen faith over facts then in the time of need where is their god where is he. He is not real only the dream of a madman to cope with the things that troubled him because they need to be ruled for they say things happen for a reason for it is destiny they calm that everything has a reason. So for what reason what a young boy beaten to death by his father what about those who starve to death in the cold winter night what about all the miserable people why are they the way they are. For they will never get the answer to the questions they scream in the dark because no one knows they fate they have been given.

For blind faith has no meaning for only the blind know the how true it is how horrible true darkness can be. for only those who thrive in the dark will the true evil of the light for neither side is good. For there is no true justice in the world there is only perspective. There is no justice just one wrong after another there is no end only darkness for those who blindly belief they may think themselves righteous but are only arrogant in the thoughts of power that it gives them. For they thrive on the ones stuck in the lukewarm embrace that is the gray of life they thrive on their minds make them feel the high of excitement and the rush of adrenalin that flows through them with such force that it will make them berserkers in the madness that will become of their mind.

For those stuck in the lukewarm embrace fear the afterlife for there is no light there is no darkness there is only nothing an endless void that will only be travel by those brave or stupid enough to needlessly abandon their lives to a horrible fate. That is the nothingness of death for he may be a god or a demon they may be either or both those who know will never understand the consequences of spilling the secret of immortality for they will be bring the full wrath of an angry demon upon themselves. They will scream as deaths black fire consume their souls.

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