Chapter Twenty: Isaac

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Nine Crimes Chapter Twenty

"Zac," Kate's voice calls out waking me up from a very deep sleep that I was in. If I knew I could get away with it I would murder her right now.

Opening my eyes, I look at my wife who is now standing over the bed in the guest room. We have been back from New York now for three days and I have kept good on moving back home but I didn't move back into our bedroom. That was never part of what Kate said I had to do to keep her from telling Taylor about Natalie and I.

When Kate sees I am awake she smiles, "My mom is in town," she informs me and I groan knowing that this means I will have to leave the room for the duration of Becky's visit. "She decided to come in and surprise me and that means you will have to come and sleep in our room for the next few nights."

I groan again and stand from the bed. "Is she downstairs now?" I ask as I reach for my pants and slip them back on.

Kate shakes her head no, "I told her you would come and get her from the airport after I woke you up."

"Of course you did," I say sarcastically as I leave the room and head down the hall to my old bedroom to find a shirt to wear. I have no clean ones at the moment in my guest room so I need to get one of the ones that Kate never packed up for me.

I feel Kate following behind me and I am waiting for her to say something smart about me being sarcastic with her but she doesn't. Instead she just goes on downstairs while I head into the room she has been occupying by herself.

Going to the closet, I chew on my lip as I try to decide between a band t-shirt or just a regular t-shirt. I'm surprisingly feeling like a woman and finding it hard to pick what I want to wear.

Finally deciding on a band t-shirt I slip it on and head downstairs, not even saying goodbye to Kate as I head out the door and to my truck. Getting in I start it up and head off towards the airport. A part of me isn't sure why I am doing this for Kate. She doesn't deserve me being nice to her. Not when she is blackmailing me into being with her again.

When I make it to the airport all I have to do is pull up because I see Becky standing outside, two suitcases in her hand. She doesn't even let my truck come to a stop though before getting in.

"I'm glad you came," she says as she buckles up and I pull away. "I...Kate told me about her cheating and how you only just agreed to move back home. I wasn't sure if you would come and get me like she wanted. I told her she could come but she was insistent that you would do it."

I laugh and nod my head, "You know your daughter. She is always stubborn," I sigh as I look at the road ahead of me.

Becky chuckles from beside me and I know she agrees, "Yes, she always has been a bit stubborn. I do think it's good you decided to move back in, especially since the baby is yours," she sighs and I chew my lip. If only Becky knew the real reason I was back home with Kate.

"What can I say," I frown as I turn onto the street where Kate and I live. "It felt like the right thing to do. We are having a new baby and maybe it's nice to have a fresh start with a new baby," I lie wondering if Becky can read through it. She probably can't, she never has been able to read through my lies.

"That's a good outlook on life Zachary," Becky says and I can hear the smile in her voice.

Going silent I pull into the driveway and Becky gets out of my truck. I though don't get out. Instead once Becky is inside I start my truck back off and head to the studio. I really just need to be away from Kate as much as possible, especially if I now have to go back to sharing a bed with her.

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