Shamoree's Note: Okay guys, I would try to make them better for you guys
1) Legend says that if u cant sleep at night, its because your in someone's dreams
2) ● No one ever said, life was easy
● There will always be someone who Will break your heart, [♥]
● You may be sooo despreessed that you just sit down in the corner and cry four hours, but you just always have to still goes on dear
3) It requires more courage to suffer then to die.
5) GOD, determines who walks into your life, but It's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go
6) Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remebers to turn on the light.
7) Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
8) always speak the truth... even if your voice shakes.
Shamoree's Note: please comment, vote and share.
♥ you guy's
Teen Fictionjust some quotes that came through my head, and I wanted people to know them if you guys didn't know them already. I hope you can learn something from these,or even smile on a bad day, that would be wonderful