Chapter No.1 And It Started Again With A Tinkle Toll

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                                      “And It Started Again With A Tinkle Toll”

                                                                  PART 3


I remember how Alice magically fell in the deep burrow after that white rabbit.

When I read it years back.

Always fascinated me why she had to fall.

Did the author know that whenever you fall down you vaguely recall the events of your tangible imagination?

Or was it that he distinctly knew that you would find marvels of vivacity when you wallop your head against the warren.

Whatever it was I took no precedence in deducing an answer to my thoughts.

For my eyes were tight shut and ears were ringing only with the bellowing voice of my companion along with the rumbling thunder above.

“I hate you.”

I remember those words when I was a child myself.

“Why did you have to be born?”

A shrill uttered from her mouth.

Immaculately arranged hair, donned with the finest attire, an elegant physique was all she was.

Just as I was able to make out the silhouette of the child half my age standing next to her in the trice.

“If only you were dead!”

My body lurched towards him.

I reached out wanting to grab his arm.

The soundless quivering shoulder.

The clutched knuckles of his hand.

Just then the depicting illusion of him and that woman disappeared in to thin reverberating air.

As thunder made its way to my sentient mind awaking me from this dream.

James: “Sueva get up!”

Rain poured into the pothole where I reposed in.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down as the scent of the everglade’s mist surrounded me.

Glancing around my leg I found the bag tucked under it, wrapped with mud.

I sat up with hands between my knees and looked skyward from the hole wondering why I fell in.

James: “Are you alright?”

He yelled frantically.

Lightning struck just as I saw James.

My eyes grew wider with every second as the lighting crowded his shadow.

Was it his?

The claws.

The beak.

Widened eyes and trembling lips weren’t all; my body froze unto the point where I started to feel numb.

Fear struck my body as the flashes of lighting renewed my thoughts.


James: “No Sueva! Wait, come back!”

RUN! Damn it.

That was my first resolve after seeing that silver creature.

I know why I fell down that hole.

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