Square Cutters Square Cutters

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I was watching a programme, some sort of mystery I think, when the odd little advert came on. 
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Entering your town," I thought nothing of it and went to check on my baby brother,who I was babysitting. He was found asleep.
When I had sat back down, another one of the adverts came on.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. In the town centre,"
I frowned but again, thought nothing of it.
Five minutes later it happened again.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Coming to your street,"
"Oh go away," I muttered. It was beginning to creep me out.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Coming up your drive,"
I jumped up and checked out the window, which led to the drive. There was nothing there.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Coming through your door,"
I strained my ears for a sound but there was nothing.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Going up your hall,"
I froze in my seat, again listening for a sound. There was still nothing.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Coming up your stairs,"
That confused me. I was downstairs.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Entering the room,"
The door didn't open.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters,"
I heard my brother give a small quiet cry and started to get up, but then he stopped. I sat back down, still freaked out.
The TV continued its sentence. "Shutting your front door,"
Just then, I heard the front door slam shut. I jumped and widened my eyes.
I jumped up and ran up the stairs. Leading into my brothers room was bloody footprints.
I crept up to my brothers cot.
He was led there, cut up into squares.
I stifled a scream as I felt breath on my neck.
"Square Cutters. Square Cutters. Right behind you," 

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