ParismaX x TheFox: MLG version.

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It was a MLG day. Titus was looking for some to have swag with, but he was not that gay so he found no one to have swag with. As for Morbi, he 360 quickscoped him. As for Marco, he was 2swag. But as for TheFox?..

Titus knocked on his door 3 times. Then he rekt the door. "MOM GET THE CAMERA" – Said TheFox. "heres your camera no let me be your mom 8)" – Titus replied. "of course why the shit not" – Said TheFox. They walked in his room. "this is my room, -Tells TheFox to Titus, - you can train to noscope people here." "Where the fuck is the AK-47 in here?" –Asked Titus. "go to the first door after the house's entrance". Titus went to that room, locked it, sat on the AK-47 and got his memes out. He started looking at screenshots he took of TheFox on his tablet that he didn't tell him about them, constantly meming faster and faster. He put dat boi right on the wall. "hey are you coming soon? Just I want to go to rek some skrubs too" – Asked TheFox. "Y-yeah, i-im finis-shing..."- Replied Titus. He quickly grabbed the closest towel and cleaned up the mess. He flushed the toilet, pretending to shit and got to TheFox's room. TheFox actually stayed there for a quite while.

TheFox got out, screaming. "WHY THE FUCK IS THE TOWEL IN MEMES? TITUS, WERE YOU FUCKING MEMING?" "No what are you talking about?" – Titus replied. "oh ok then" – Said TheFox

"REKT" – Thought Titus. "hey titus I will go to the store to buy some guns" – Said TheFox. He went to the store, meanwhile, Titus changed his monitor to the purple color and watched meme pics, still meming. When TheFox returned, he placed the bag with the bread on the kitchen table and went into his room. Everything seemed really suspicious. Titus looked at TheFox like he was hiding something, he turned the computer off, all of this seemed really weird. "so... maybe lets go play some MLG Simulator on the computer?" – Said TheFox. "Maybe, I guess?.." –Titus replied. They turned on and played MLG Simulator for a while. His memes grew the whole time. After they finished, TheFox went to get some Mtn Dew, meanwhile Titus was tried to remove his memes. TheFox returned, they continued playing. Titus licked his memes once while playing it. TheFox didn't notice. He memed an another time. TheFox noticed Titus trying to lick him, and noscoped him. "REKT 420" - Said TheFox.


but what if titus wasn't kill?

ParismaX respawned.

"prepare to get rekt m9" - He said.

He got out his quickscoping gun and rekt TheFox.

The End.

(there will TOTALLY be no part 2)

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