Day 1

535 26 3

7:47 AM

New school.

New bus.

So the first day I got on, I actually got on first and got a seat.

So I sat down, and no one sat next to me.

At all.

I spotted a girl outside the window before we left.

The bus was in motion and she waved and screamed repeatedly at the driver, her blonde hair getting blown onto her face by the wind.

The bus stops, opening the doors to let her in.

"Every day, Hart." The driver says, shaking her head.

"Well my house is far from here, ma'am." She huffs, pushing her hair out of her face.

She grumpily walks down the aisle, soon spotting an open seat.

"Can I sit here?" She asks the person in the seat across from mine.

They simply nod and she sits next to them.

I couldn't help but glance in her direction every so often.

Because, she seemed like a cool person.

But I could never talk to a cool person.

Because I'm not cool.

The Girl On The Bus >> RILAYAWhere stories live. Discover now