11 - Trey II

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SHIT! Her dad would skin me alive. 

As scared as I am, I take out my phone and dial. 


"Trey, are you with Cris now?" 

"S...s...ir...." I stammer still. "She's.... Uhm... She..."


"She's.." I take a deep breath, using the last of my courage, "She's on her way to L.... LA, sir."

"WHAAATTTT?????" I have to take the phone away from my ear. I can already imagine his face with smoke coming out from everywhere. "TREY. GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Even if I'm terrified to face him, I get in the first flight back home. 


I am welcomed by Mr. Samson's men as soon as I arrive at the airport. They take me straight to where the engagement is being held. I quickly get out of the car and run inside. I already hear some shouting from the inside and I would bet everything I have that Mr. Samson is there. 

The hall is already empty except for Mr. Samson and his men and the Tuans. 

Mark is standing in the middle of it all, blocking his dad from getting to Mr. Samson. 

"I won't let you near my daughter ever again, Mark," Mr. Samson is shouting at the boy. "You break my baby's heart just for this piece of shit you call money? You want all the gold in the world, huh?" This time he looks at Mark's dad.   "I hope you drown in your own money, Tuan." 

It's the first time I hear Cris' dad talk like this. And it's scaring the shit out of me. 

"Mark. You told me you'd take care of her. That you'd never hurt her no matter what. What's this? I swear to all the gods, if something happens to my little girl, I'm gonna skin you alive, Mark." 

"Don't you dare threaten my son, Samson." Mr. Tuan shouts, wanting to get close to Cris' dad but is stopped by his wife. "You don't even know half of the story."

"Story? What story? That you're being played again here? That Briggs is manipulating everything? That story?" He huffs. "How stupid can you get? You don't even know who you're marrying your son into. Aymes is someone you don't want to associate with, Tuan. But..." he shakes his head and smirks. "What do I know, right? That's your life. Just don't you fuckin' get near my daughter. If I see just a shadow of you near her, I'm gonna show you what hell really looks like."


Damn it. Where's Cris? I go near the man behind Mr. Samson. "Where's she?"

"I don't know. We didn't see her earlier. Only her friend ... the guy." He says, whispering. 

FUCK! Jackson. Jackson saw it. She must've, too. But, where the heck is she?

I'm about to run out and look for her. But, a hand grabs my arm. "Trey!"

"Let go, Mark." I grit my teeth, controlling myself not to punch him right now. 

"Is Cris with you?"

I chuckle sarcastically, shaking my head, stopping myself from throwing a feat like Mr. Samson. "What do you care? You left her, right? Why would you ask now?" I eye him from head to foot. "ASSHOLE!" I fling his hand away and run out. 

I just hope Cris or Jackson hasn't gone that far yet. 

I take out my phone and try to call her, no answer. I try calling our other friends, hoping she'd be there. But, they haven't seen her. They were actually surprised that she's here. After hours of searching, Mr. Samson calls everybody in their house. 

Won't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Sequel to Can't)Where stories live. Discover now