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Silence. Nothing, I hear absolutely nothing. There was this slight ringing sound I could hear in my head but other than that, not a thing, no-thing. Out of nowhere, there was this crunching sound, 'you can't hide forever pumpkin,' his deep voice announced. Pumpkin, oh no. He's mad. I slowly stand to me feet, my legs trembling with fear. I gain composure, look into the distance for a clear path to run through. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Taking two careful steps forward, making sure the leaves under my feet can't be heard. I ready myself and then I run. Please, please, please Just get me out already. Please! All of a sudden I feel two strong hands grab at my ankles. Dear God, please No. He's got me. 'Let me go!' I exclaim, struggling against his firm stature. 'Please, let go of me.'
'There you are pumpkin, I've missed you.'
'HELP. Someone. Anyone. Please, help m-'

I jolt awake sweating, mouth open wide about to scream.
I look around what looks like my bedroom. It was just a dream. A dream? No, not a dream. A nightmare. They're back. I look to my right at the digital alarm clock that reads 2:16am. Great, just great. Knowing I won't be able to get back to sleep, I fling the sheets off of me, stand to me feet making sure I don't dizzy myself and make my way to the bathroom across the hallway. The feeling of the cold tiles soothing the bottoms of my feet. I turn the cold water knob in the shower and start to strip myself from my sweaty tank-top and pyjama shorts (it's summer here in Australia and I was its like 55˚C here – so hot!). I stare into the oversized mirror at the scar that I obtained from that night that happened nearly two years ago. The scar starts at the top of my left shoulder and ends just below my right breast.

A stray tear runs down my cheek, I turn around and step into the shower. Feeling the extremely cold water drizzle down my once sizzling skin, I let out a soft sigh.
I spend about forty-five minutes just standing there letting the water cascade down my body, before I realise that my fingers were turning blue and became all wrinkly, like sultanas. I pump a heap of shampoo and conditioner into my hands and quickly massage it into my hair.

After my shower, I just did whatever I could to help me stay awake. I even did my homework. Wow, pat on the back for me. I never do my homework. But to no avail, I ended up falling asleep on my bed again, but I do remember seeing the sun shining from behind my curtains before I fell into another deep sleep.
I woke up again at about 7:05, ugh why do these things always happen to me?
I manage to get myself up from my bed and begin my morning routine. Once I've finished everything, I go back to my room and stare at my make-up table (I do a lot of staring). Make-up? I briefly look into the mirror. Yes, definitely I think to myself. I quickly apply some concealer, foundation and mascara. Ew, I look like some Bratz doll – ugh I don't have time. It'll have to do.

I make my way to the kitchen, grab an apple from the fruit bowl mum always has in the middle of the dining table, I don't know why, maybe it's for days like today. I'm out the door and I find my legs walking me to where they usually walk me, five days a week. School. Aka hell, aka death. Just kidding. I like to over exaggerate things okay. It makes things more... dramatic. Mwahahahaha... see? Drama, I like.

Hi. I don't think I've actually formally introduced myself. I'm Ollina Greysome, but my friends just call me Olli. I am 17 years old, born and bred South Australian. Currently living on the Yorke Peninsula and I am in my final year of schooling. Grade 12. My thirteenth and final year. Thank goodness! The end of the year is nearly here, I can smell it.
I have two devoted and loving parents, 2 best friends, Anastasia and Lorey. They're the best. When I moved to Crestalew High they were the only two people who made an effort to talk to me, they seemed nice and they must've thought the same thing about me because we've been inseparable since day one.

Anyway, I also have one annoying little brother and two extremely cute little sisters, twins.
That's enough about me, oh you're probably wondering about what last night was all about? I'm sorry, but that's classified information. I'm sure you'll find out in due time.

As I walk into the gates of hell, I hear my name being called and in my peripheral vision I see Anastasia slowly walking towards me.
'Olli dolly!' she proclaimed.
'Ugh, how many times have I told you to stop calling me that?' I say, giving her my best death glare.
'But why not? I think it's cute! It also kinda suites your height.'
'Shut up, you're not that much taller than me.'
'Says you, little miss five-foot three.' I poke my tongue out at her.

Anastasia. Long, beautiful blonde hair. Big bright electric blue eyes, her figure is literally like a models, she should be breaking hearts. But she would never do that, she's far to kind. Anastasia has the whole package. She's smart, funny and so easy to talk to, kind. If I was one to like a person of the same gender, it would be her. Too bad we both like the opposite sex.

'Olli, Olliiiii.' Coming back to my senses, I reply 'uh, yea?'
'C'mon, let's go. The bells about to go, we'll meet Lorey in homegroup.'

We make our way to homegroup and I spot Lorey sitting by herself in the back row, saving seats for Anastasia and I.
'Oh hey Lorey-rey!' I walk up to her giving her a side hug.
'Oh hey Olli dolly!' I give both of my bestfriends a glare as they silently laugh with each other.
Once they've settles down I ask what subject we have first up.
'Uhm, double English I think,' says Lorey.
We high-fived each other, English is one of the two subjects that we have together, the other one being biology.

The day goes by quite fast and I find myself walking back home.
As my house comes into view, I see two trucks parked at the front of the house next door. I see someone walking into the house with boxes in hand. There's a lady standing beside one of the trucks, she must've heard me because she turns around. I give her a small smile which she returns with one of her own and I continue walking up my driveway until I'm sitting on my bed dreading the time where I lay my head down on my pillow to sleep.

Hey hey!

I didn't realize that the Introduction didn't post. So here it is!

Hope you like it!

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Much love, Esther X

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