Pretty Eyed Stranger

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One would think that after spending his entire life surrounded by supernatural creatures, he would get used to surprises but of course, there was always something around the corner, or in his case, on his front door step. Derek's eyes widened minimally as he stared at the little boy in front of him who had his eyes closed and was taking a long sniff. The scent was unmistakable. Stiles.

"Why do you smell so good?"

In front of him was a miniature Stiles that had fox ears protruding from his mess of short curly hair and a fox tail behind him. His eyes were a shining gold and he was frowning as he breathed in.

"Stiles?" Derek took a step back and Stiles followed him almost desperately, crossing over the threshold and latched onto Derek's legs.

"Don't leave me!" the boy whimpered, his fox ears lowering as he buried his head in Derek's legs. "I don't know where I am and I have fox ears and a tail and I can't find my dad. I don't like being alone and you smell like home. And I know you can protect me. Please, Alpha." There were tears now rimming the bottom of Stiles' eyes.

Derek couldn't help the protective urge that rose in him when he heard the word 'Alpha' slip past Stiles' lips and the tears in his eyes.

"Stiles, I'm not going to leave." Derek managed to get mini Stiles to let go of his legs so he could crouch down next the young boy whose lip was trembling in an attempt not to cry. The second Derek was at his level, the young werefox shot himself into Derek's arms and buried his nose into Derek's neck, breathing him in. Derek's wolf rumbled happily as he scented him.

"Stiles, what's the last thing you remember?" Derek pulled back, placing a hand on Stiles' neck.

"I...I was at Scott's house." Stiles replied timidly, averting his eyes from Derek's gaze. "He's my best friend, by the way. It was his birthday. He's turning six."

"So you're how old?"

"Five." Stiles said proudly, holding up five fingers. "And a half."

"And do you have any idea how you turned into a werefox?"

"Uh... no, sorry."

"It's okay." Derek moved to stand up but Stiles grabbed his jacket.

"You smell really good like Mommy and Daddy and Lydia, but even better." Stiles turned his gaze so that their gazes would meet. "Who are you?"

"My name is Derek."

"Are you my wife?"

Derek snorted and picked Stiles up which made the young fox yelp and tighten his grip around Derek's neck.

"No, we're friends." Derek replied as he took out his phone from his back pocket and speed dialed Dr. Deaton, trying to ignore Stiles who was rubbing his cheek against Derek's neck and wrapping his tail around his arm.

"You smell like mine." Stiles let out a low purr and Derek was saved from responding when Deaton picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, Derek."

Derek cut to the chase and rushed out, "Stiles is in my house and he had fox ears and a tail and he's a child. I need you to come over."

"As much as I would love to, I'm a five hour drive away from Beacon Hills and I won't be returning until Friday. If you could take care of him, I'll take him off your hands when I come back. In the meanwhile, I'll research on the different possibilities of what could've happened.


"Goodbye, Derek."

Deaton hanged up and Derek growled angrily as he threw his phone onto the couch. It was then that he noticed that Stiles had stopped rubbing him and was simply laying there with his chin on Derek's shoulder.

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