Chapter Eight

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Ainsley woke and knew she needed to talk to someone. She text Jordan.
"Can I come over? - A xx"

Jordan rang Ainsley. Ainsley went to the living room as everyone was asleep. Ainsley admitted down the phone what was wrong. She burst into tears.
"Honey, come over at 10," Jordan said. Ainsley thanked her and hung up.

Jordan immediately text Sam, Cal and Iain to come over at 10 as well and not to tell Ainsley. They agreed.
Ainsley didn't go to Jordan's. She went for a drive to the location where they'd crashed. She had nearly died in that place and it terrified her.

Sam was driving to Ainsley's. He saw her standing by the cliff. He pulled over. "Ainsley?"
"Oh. Hiya," she mumbled.
"You shouldn't be here, come on," Sam said. Ainsley shrugged. Sam took her hand.
"Where are you meant to be?" Sam asked.
"Let me take you there."

Ainsley sat in silence for the drive. They parked and walked inside. Ainsley froze when she seen Cal and Iain there.

They all sat down with Jordan and Jason. Jason was watching his kids playing with Jordan's.
"Look, I think we all need to have a heart to heart. All six of us," Jordan said.
"No way! You set me up!" Ainsley yelled. She got angry. "You did this on purpose!"
"No we never."
"Bullcrap! You think I'm stupid don't you?"

Ainsley stood and walked outside. She looked at her car and sighed. She wanted to go over the cliff again and not wake up this time. She didn't want to be alive anymore.
"Don't you dare," Cal said. He was shaking and tapping his feet. Ainsley noticed but didn't say anything.
"Don't you dare try to go over that cliff," Cal said. Ainsley frowned.
"How did you know?"
Cal smiled and tapped his foot.
"You wanna leave. But you have so much to live for."
"And you don't?" Ainsley asked.
Cal smiled and twitched his shoulder.
"Well, no."
"You ask too many questions Ainsley," cal said.
Ainsley smiled slightly.
"Why do you not have much to live for?" Ainsley pressed.
"I was diagnosed with PTSD," cal admitted.
She now knew what was wrong with him.
"Why didn't you tell me? I do care for you," Ainsley said.
"I didn't want to be a burden to you."
"You're not Cal. You're amazing."

Iain came outside. He saw Ainsley standing by her car. "Babe, you alright?"
"Y-Yeah. Fine."
Iain went over to her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Ainsley walked inside and sat on the sofa. "I'll take Madison tonight."
"Oh. Thanks," Ainsley mumbled.
"You okay?" Sam asked. Ainsley burst out crying.
"Cal's been diagnosed with PTSD. He just told me that he doesn't have much to live for because of it," Ainsley sobbed. Sam held her.
"Shh, hey, it's going to be okay. Now you dry those eyes. Let's try to think of ways we can help Cal," Sam said. Ainsley smiled and nodded.

Jordan sat outside with Jason. She had a secret. She couldn't tell anyone - especially Ainsley.
"Can we talk later on when Ainsley goes?" Jordan asked. Jason smiled and nodded.

Sam had came up with ways they all could help Cal. Iain came in with Cal. Sam handed Ainsley the list. She smiled at Cal. Cal smiled back. She noticed he was tapping his fingers on the side of the sofa. "Cal calm down," Ainsley mumbled. She looked at Iain. "Help him calm down," Ainsley mumbled.
"Cal, mate. You gotta calm down. I've been where you are. It gets better in the end."

Ainsley cuddled into Iain. "Jordan, I'm gonna take her home. She's had too much upset today."
"Oh okay."
Ainsley hugged Cal and kissed his cheek. She felt sparks. She hugged Sam and held him tight. "I still love you," she whispered.
Ainsley walked out with Iain. Sam went with them in his car to pick up Madi.

Cal smiled at Jordan and Jason.
"I'll go," he said. Jordan smiled and hugged him. She felt him shaking and heard him humming gently to himself.
"You take care. If you need us ring. We don't care what time," Jordan said. Cal thanked her and left.

Ainsley kissed Madi goodbye as Sam took her. Ainsley went to the car with them while Iain got lunch for the other kids.
"Can we meet somewhere tomorrow? You and I?" She asked.
"Sure. I'll message you?"
Ainsley smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Okay, thanks."

Ainsley went back inside to Iain. "Where's Angel?"
"Sleeping beauty is in her bouncer snoring her head off."
Ainsley smiled and kissed Iain passionately. She knew she loved all three men and if she could, she would be with them all but she couldn't.

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