The Destruction of Estraneo part 1

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Tsuna burst through the door of Kawahira's shop despite it being covered in mist flames, the door being locked and him being the size of an arcobaleno.

"KAWAHIRA!!! I NEED YOUR MIST FLAMES!!!!" He shouted startling Kawahira out of his chair. Tsuna jumped on top of him and absorbed his flames before jumping off and transforming into an adult.

"Thank you." Tsuna thanked grabbing one of the empty pacifiers and filling it with the extra flames he gained before turning back into a 5-year old and leaving.

'WTF just happened?!?' Kawahira thought as he lied there on the floor confused.

"I need a few more." Tsuna said as he ran back in grabbing a bunch of empty pacifiers and running back out.

Kawahira stared at the place where he used to be before getting up deciding not to question the craziness of humans, though he was unsure if Tsuna was human or not.

Tsuna laughed as he walked home thinking of Kawahira's expression when busted in and took his flames. 'That was the funniest thing I've ever done, I wonder how Reborn would react if I did that to him, now that I think about that don't the arcobalenos have a meeting next week.' He thought with an evil grin as he put the excessive amount of pacifiers(31 pacifiers) in his backpack.

"Meow(I'm home)!" He meowed as he entered his house.

"Welcome home, Tsu-kun!" Nana said happily picking him up.

"Meow(Can we go to Italy)?" Tsuna meowed putting on pleading eyes.

"Sure! I'll book tickets!" Nana exclaimed excitedly causing Tsuna to sweatdrop at her as she set him down and went to go book tickets online.

'I'm worried for her health...' Tsuna thought before shaking his head and going outside again.

'Now that's done I need to find Takeshi and Ryohei, I'll save Kyoya for last since he's going with me for the raid and he needs to replenish his flames before I can take more.' He thought as he jumped up on to the side wall and walked across it to Ryohei's house.

"EXTREME!!!!!" Ryohei's loud voice coming from the yard signifies that the house in front of him is Ryohei's house. He walked across the wall to the yard where he sees a 10-year old Ryohei furiously punching his punching bag.

"Meow(Hello)!" Tsuna meowed gaining Ryohei's attention.

"HELLO TO THE EXTREME CAT! Boy?" Ryohei exclaimed soon gaining a confused look on his face as he looked at Tsuna in a cat suit standing on the wall. Tsuna took that as a chance to jump onto his head and start transferring flames to the empty pacifier around his neck.

"Oh you're that EXTREME classmate of my sister that she said acts like a cat. I'll go take you to her!" Ryohei exclaimed Tsuna finished filling the pacifer just before Ryohei ran inside and he had to hold on to his head.

"Meow(You're too fast)!" Tsuna meowed clinging to Ryohei's head but Ryohei didn't understand as he ran to Kyoko.

"Onii-san? Why is there a cat on your head?" Kyoko asked as he stopped in front of her. The force of the stop caused Tsuna to fall off and mew in complaint.

"Oh it's Tsuna!" She exclaimed in surprise as he got up glared(pouted) at Ryohei who merely turned back around to start training again shouting 'EXTREME'.

"Did you come over to visit?" She asked and Tsuna shook his head and lept out the window.

'Ugh that felt horrible, at least I got the flames. Now to Takeshi's house.' He thought replacing the filled pacifier with an empty one as he walked to Takesushi.

Tsuna scratched and meowed at the door of Takesushi since they were closed for the day. Tsuyoshi opened the door and looked down at him and was surprised to see that instead of a cat it was a boy in a cat suit wearing a pacifier.

"Well hello there are you lost little boy?" Tsuyoshi asked as Tsuna clung to his leg and and climbed up to his chest.

"Meow(I'll be borrowing your flames)." Tsuna meowed confusing Tsuyoshi.

"Why are you meowing?" He asked before noticing the pacifier turn blue and start to brighten.

"Hey are you taking my flames?" He questioned as he felt a pull on his flames.

"Hey get off!" Tsuyoshi exclaimed trying to pull him off but to no avail as Tsuna's claws got stuck on his shirt. It startled Tsuna which caused the flames to go into him instead of the pacifier and suddenly he grew into a 10 year old in Tsuyoshi's arms.

"Meow(I guess I should've asked, I forgot you were part of the mafia)." Tsuna meowed as Tsuyoshi looked at him with a puzzled look. Tsuna sneezed out his flames turning back into a 5 year old.

"Oh you were using my flames to grow?" He asked and Tsuna nodded.

"You could've just said so." Tsuyoshi said and Tsuna shook his head.

"Meow(I can only meow in your presence)." Tsuna meowed.

"I'm sorry I don't understand." Tsuyoshi said and Tsuna leaped out of his arms on to the table running into Takeshi's room.

"Where are you going?" He asked following Tsuna, seeing him jump on to Takeshi.

"Woah Tsuna what are you doing here?" Takeshi asked as Tsuna sat on his head and started absorbing the last bit off flames needed to fill the pacifier. When done he mewed in thanks and quickly left.

"What was that about?" Takeshi asked and Tsuyoshi shrugged.

'That would've been easier if I just talked but what's the fun in that.' Tsuna thought walking to Kyoya's house while replacing the pacifier.

Tsuna meowed at the door and soon the door opened and Kyoya picked him up.

"Hn baby carnivore." Kyoya stated as Tsuna rubbed his head against him.

"Meow(Kyoya, please tell your mom we will go after them after I prepare what I need, ok)!" Tsuna meowed as he quickly absorbed some flames.

"Hn I will." Kyoya stated patting Tsuna on the head and setting him down.

"Meow(Bye Kyoya)!" Tsuna meowed happily running out the door to get home quickly. With a burst of speed he was home and went in to have dinner.

AN: That last part a bit awkward but it got the point across. Next Chapter the destruction of the Estraneo part 2

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